PhD student representation
The PhD student representation is the elected representation for PhD students at the University of Koblenz. It is involved in matters concerning PhD students and supports them accordingly. It also serves as a central point of contact and promotes interdisciplinary networking among PhD students.
contact us: promovierende@uni-koblenz.de
E-mail distribution list
With the help of our self-established e-mail distribution list, we would like to reach all (prospective) PhD students at the University of Koblenz. Simply send us a non-binding email to promovierende@uni-koblenz.de and we will add you to the list.
You can also subscribe and unsubscribe independently by sending an "empty" e-mail to the following addresses:
Register: Mail to promovierende-subscribe@list.uni-koblenz.de
Unsubscribe: Mail to promovierende-leave@list.uni-koblenz.de
We would like to pass on current information to you via the mailing list and keep you up to date on relevant developments and events at our university. We also use this mailing list to send out invitations to our regular's table and writing sessions, to which everyone is cordially invited!
Team "Promovierende Uni Koblenz"
As the doctoral student representatives of the University of Koblenz, we would like to invite you to join our new Microsoft Teams network. Our aim is to create a platform for networking and exchange among all PhD students in order to promote common interests and share resources.
In the team "Promovierende Uni Koblenz" you have the opportunity to exchange general questions about doctoral studies and self-organization as well as department-specific or off-topic topics. We also offer you channels for co-working meetings or organize online game nights. In addition, you will always receive the latest information via these channels as well as via our newsletter.
To get access to our Teams area, please follow this link: https://www.uni-koblenz.de/en/doctoral-student-representation/online-community-for-doctoral-candidates
This link will take you to the registration page where you will need to fill out a registration form. Once you have registered, we will add you to the network. Please use the live.uni-koblenz.de e-mail address for the form, which is provided to us for Microsoft services. You can find instructions from ZIMT here: https://www.uni-koblenz.de/de/zimt/services/microsoft-365/anleitung-microsoft-365

The Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (WissZeitVG)
Our topics
On the road together
Committee work
Good conditions for working as a scientist
Information for PhD students
University-specific matters
Studying and doing a doctorate at the University of Koblenz, for everyone!
New at the University of Koblenz? Here is an overview!
Interdisciplinary exchange and lectures
Promotion of active participation in conferences
Looking for a PhD student position? Take a look here!
Is your position here at the University of Koblenz coming to an end soon? Here’s an overview with a checklist of things to keep in mind (Link will follow)
Further links
Members of the PhD student representation
Representatives of Faculty 1 (Educational Sciences)
Representatives of Faculty 2 (Philology / Cultural Studies)
Representatives of Faculty 3 (Mathematics / Natural Sciences)
- Speaker
- Deputy Speaker
Representatives of Faculty 4 (Computer Science)
Legal basis
In accordance with § 34 (9) HochSchG, the PhD student representation advises the university committees and participates in meetings of the Senate and the faculty councils in an advisory capacity.
"Die angenommenen Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden wählen die Mitglieder einer Doktorandenvertretung; das Nähere zu deren Wahl regelt die Universität durch Satzung. Die Doktorandenvertretung gibt sich eine Geschäftsordnung, berät über die die Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden betreffenden Angelegenheiten, kann hierzu gegenüber den Organen und Gremien der Hochschule Empfehlungen abgeben und dient diesen als Ansprechpartner. An den Sitzungen des Senats und der Fachbereichsräte soll jeweils ein Mitglied der Doktorandenvertretung beratend teilnehmen; die beratende Teilnahme an anderen Gremien ist möglich. Die Fachbereichsräte geben der Doktorandenvertretung Gelegenheit, zu Promotionsordnungen Stellung zu nehmen. An Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften kann eine Doktorandenvertretung vorgesehen werden; die Sätze 1 bis 3 gelten entsprechend." (§ 34 Abs. 9 HochSchG)
Standing Orders
Adopted on April 27, 2023 by the PhD student representation of the University of Koblenz. You can find it here.