Please find more information at the german page.
Gender equality is a legal mandate for the university and an important cross-sectional task that is taken equally seriously and represented by the Gender Equality Committee and the university management. Specifically, this includes three fields of action:
- gender mainstreaming, i.e. combating the underrepresentation of women and men,
- the compatibility of family and career or studies and
- protection against sexualized harassment and violence.
On our pages, we have compiled various information on the organization of equal opportunities representation at the University of Koblenz, on projects, measures and scholarships, on the compatibility of family and studies/work, on sexualized harassment and violence as well as contact points for various problems and central documents and handouts. If you would like to contact us, please contact either the University's Equal Opportunities Officer, Dr. Tanja Gnosa, or the Women's Officer, Dipl.-Päd. Andrea Hauswirth.