Research Unit pedagogical professionalism in the context of heterogeneity and inclusion in (school) education
Since April 2022, Prof. Dr. Gertraud Kremsner has been heading the research division 'Pedagogical Professionalism in the Context of (School) Heterogeneity and Inclusion.' Research assistants include Lea Klöpfer, Jens Geldner-Belli and Andreas Sturm with additional support from the student assistant Anne Wagner and Jaqueline Leblanc, as well as various lecturers.
Guided by a broad understanding of inclusion, our focus encompasses multiple dimensions of heterogeneity and corresponding forms of discrimination from an intersectional perspective, with reference to power dynamics and social theoretical frameworks. A broader concept of inclusion addresses issues of participation and equal opportunities not only for people identified as disabled, but also extends the perspective to other dimensions of heterogeneity, such as gender or class, and their intersectional complexities. Diversity and the plurality inherent in society are seen as desirable and enriching. The fundamental role of human rights also remains central to our discussions.
Our work revolves around inclusive/participatory research projects. In a general sense, people who have experienced discrimination should have the opportunity to be spokespersons in the academic discourse. In this regard, we align ourselves with the demands of civil rights movements, including but not limited to the disability movement, the feminist movement, the LGBTQI+ movement, and others.
The Research Unit offers Teacher Education programmes and the Bachelor of Education. Further information can be found on the Teaching and Examinations page.
Our Projects & Publications
The Research Unit was restructured in April 2022 and is currently being established. A number of externally funded projects are currently in the planning stage or have been partially submitted but not yet approved.
Bachelor and Master Theses
Bachelor's and Master's theses in the field of (school) heterogeneity and inclusion can be theoretical or empirical. We also provide tips and tricks on how to write an academic paper.
Cooperation Partners, Networks & Critical Friends
We work closely with the following institutions and individuals outside the University of Koblenz - among others:
Networks in which we are actively represented