Prof. Dr. Gertraud Kremsner


Department 1 Institut für Schulpädagogik Universitätsstraße 1 56070 Koblenz
Office C 132
Wednesdays at 12 p.m. during the semester; During the lecture-free period, please register by email

Main areas of research and work

  • Areas Dis/Ability Studies (in Education) and Disability History
  • Ableism and Ableism Research
  • Intersectionality and Intersectionality Research
  • Heterogeneity, Diversity, and Diversity ResearchParticipatory, Emancipatory, and Inclusive Research
  • Engagement with Civil Rights Movements (historical and contemporary)
  • Exploration of Issues of Power and Violence (e.g., in specific institutions or in specific societal and/or educational or social policy fields, etc.)
  • Inclusion and Exclusion (e.g., in specific institutions or in specific societal and/or educational or social policy fields, etc.)
Curriculum Vitae
Additional Qualifications and Awards
List of publications
List of lectures

Curriculum Vitae

Professional and academic career

Starting 04/2022

W2 professorship for educational science with a focus on educational professionalism in the context of school heterogeneity and inclusion at the University of Koblenz

04/2021 to 03/2022

Representation of the W2 Professorship for General Special Education at the Faculty of Educational Science/Institute of Special Education at the University of Leipzig; released for this purpose by the University of Vienna

02/2020 to 03/2021

Representation of the W3 Professorship for "Promotion and Teaching in the Context of Inclusion with Special Consideration of Support Needs in Emotional and Social Development" at the Faculty of Educational Science/Institute of Special Education at the University of Leipzig, with exclusive content responsibility for the area of General Special Education. Released for this purpose by the University of Vienna

04/2019 to 09/2019

Interim Professor for the Chair of "General Rehabilitation and Integration Pedagogy" at the Faculty of Philosophy III (Educational Sciences)/Institute of Rehabilitation Pedagogy at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

02/2018 to 01/2020

University Assistant (PostDoc) at the Institute for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, specializing in "Inclusive Pedagogy (Focus: Impairments)."

03/2017 to 01/2018

Project collaborator in the project "Qualification for Teachers with a Refugee Background."

03/2017 to 01/2020

Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, specializing in "Inclusive Pedagogy (Focus: Impairments)."

10/2013 to 09/2016

Appointment within the framework of the uni:docs Individual Support Initiative as a University Assistant (pre-doc) at the Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Vienna

2013 to 2016

Lehrerin an der SOB (Schule für Sozialbetreuungsberufe) der Caritas Wien


Employment as a social pedagogue in a residential group for adolescents

2006 to 2012

Employment in residential communities for disability assistance and director of a vacation facility for individuals with disabilities

2005 to 2006

Volunteering as a teacher at CENIT (Centro de la Niña Trabajadora) in Quito, Ecuador

2003 to 2009

Independent contractor (full-time) with various organizations in the field of disability assistance


External lecturer at the University College of Teacher Education Upper Austria, the University of Zurich, the University of Vienna, and the University of Innsbruck

Course of studies

2013 to 2016

Stay in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories to initiate a research project in collaboration with the GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation). Also tasked with conducting a workshop for the GIZ on the implementation of monitoring for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNBRK)

2003 to 2012

Stay in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) as a guest lecturer within the framework of the Respond-HER project (Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Vienna)


Stay at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok (Thailand), as a guest lecturer

Research-related stays abroad

07/2017 & 10/2017

Stay in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories to initiate a research project in collaboration with the GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation). Also tasked with conducting a workshop for the GIZ on the implementation of monitoring for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNBRK)


Stay in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) as a guest lecturer within the framework of the Respond-HER project (Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Vienna)


Stay at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok (Thailand), as a guest lecturer


Executive Department Head of the Department of School Pedagogy – General Didactics in the summer semester of 2022

Module coordinator for Module 8 in the Master's program for teaching as well as for Module 4.4 (Non-exclusive Pedagogy – Inclusion) in the Bachelor's program in Education at the University of Koblenz

Member of the Study Conference and the Examination Committee at the Institute for Special Education at the University of Leipzig

Module coordinator for the modules ASP1000 and ASP2000 in the field of General Special Education at the University of Leipzig

Elected spokesperson of the academic staff at the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna for the period 2018-2020

Module coordinator for Modules 3 (language and sensory development), 5 (cognitive and motor development), and 7c (Specialization: cognitive and motor development) in the Bachelor's program "Inclusive Pedagogy (Focus: Impairments)" at the University of Vienna

Module coordinator for Module 7 (Specialization: Inclusive School and Diversity) in the certificate course "Educational Foundations for Teachers with Refugee Backgrounds" at the Postgraduate Center of the University of Vienna.

Member of the Study Conference at the Institute for Educational Sciences of the University of Vienna (SPL 19) until 2016.