Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
We are delighted to announce that Professor Petra Schubert and Professor Susan P. Williams have been successful in receiving funding for second phase of the 2C-NOW project. The 2C-NOW2 research project is funded by the DFG and is part of the DFG Priority programme SPP 2267: The digitalization of working worlds. Funded for three years, the project will provide two PhD positions and resources to continue our research into collaboration technologies and the digital workplace.
In the first phase of the 2C-NOW research project, our focus was on developing the conceptual foundations and computational methods to investigate transformations of work processes and practices in large-scale, heterogeneous enterprise collaboration platforms. We also captured, structured and organised an extensive and in-depth corpus of digital trace data from the system logs of large-scale collaboration systems and developed a series of longitudinal organisational case studies.
In 2C-NOW2, the second phase of SSP2267, we continue to apply the concepts, methods and findings achieved in the first phase to obtain deeper theoretical and practical understandings of how collaborative work takes place within digital workspaces and the emerging coordinative practices arising in hybrid and distributed workgroups.