Enterprise Information Management
Prof. Dr. Susan P. Williams
The Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Research Group is focused on understanding complex socio-technical change and the design of the digital workplace. Our research examines emerging collaboration technologies and large-scale information infrastructures to i) understand the ways they shape work and work practices and ii) to apply these insights to improve the design of information systems and their use in organisational contexts.
The research group is a founding member of the Center for Enterprise Information Research (CEIR). For more information visit the CEIR website.

The Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Research Group is an interdisciplinary research group focused on Digital Workplace Design.
Working collaboratively with the Business Software Research Group (Prof. Schubert) through the Center for Enterprise Information Research (CEIR) our goal is to conduct high qhigh-qualityuality, responsible, and collaborative research into emerging technologies and information infrastructures and to examine their impact and consequences on work and work practices.
Our research in CEIR is both collaborative and industry-relevant. In 2015 we established the IndustryConnect initiative, a university-industry research collaboration involving over 40 leading organisations in the German-speaking region.
Due to the timeliness and importance of the topic of digitalisation and the transformation of digital work, our research has been awarded significant external research funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and HCL Technologies.
Research Projects
Postal address:
Universität Koblenz | FB4: Informatik
Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik
FG Enterprise Information Management
Postfach 201 602
56016 Koblenz
Visitor address:
Universität Koblenz | IWVI
FG Enterprise Information Mangement
Gebäude A
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz