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IndustryConnect is a practice-based research community undertaking research in the areas of digital transformation and the digital workplace. Launched in early 2015, IndustryConnect is an initiative of CEIR (Center for Enterprise Information Systems Research), a cooperation project between the Enterprise Information Management Research Group and the Business Software Research Group at the University Koblenz-Landau.
IndustryConnect is a practice-based research community undertaking research in the areas of digital transformation and the digital workplace. Launched in early 2015, IndustryConnect is an initiative of CEIR (Center for Enterprise Information Systems Research), a cooperation project between the Enterprise Information Management Research Group and the Business Software Research Group at the University Koblenz-Landau. The IndustryConnect community is led and coordinated by the CEIR team who are working with over 72 individuals representing 31 member organisations. Participating companies are all leading users of enterprise collaboration systems (ECS) and represent a range of industries, including footwear retailing, electronic components, sound systems, aviation, chemical/construction products, construction services, auto-motive components, public administration services and others.
The aims of IndustryConnect are:
- to conduct research into problems and issues surrounding the implementation and adoption of ECS, i.e. activities of communication, coordination and active information exchange among employees
- to exchange knowledge and experiences between the members and
- to develop new insights and understandings about the complex socio-technical change surrounding ECS and the evolving digital workplace.
The work in IndustryConnect is organised into a series of events and activities in a yearly research cycle. The three pillars of work are the 1) virtual workspace (an online community); the 2) collaborative workshops (physical meetings) and the 3) bilateral research work (one-on-one research with individual practitioners/companies). The research results are made available in the form of documents, methods, techniques, and guidelines.