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2C-NOW2 builds on the concepts, methods, and findings achieved in 2C-NOW Phase One to extend our existing trace analytics work by developing novel methods for conducting trace ethnographies and analysing rich contextual data from workplace studies. Together, these methods are used to provide empirical evidence and insights into how new arrangements for hybrid work are transforming working worlds and to enable rich contextual analyses of hybrid workgroups and emerging coordinative practices.
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The aim of phase 3 of the project is to investigate collaborative work processes in large, heterogeneous collaboration platforms across systems (cross-system) and levels (cross-level) and to gain theoretical insights into the orchestration and choreography of collaborative work.
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IndustryConnect is a practice-based research community undertaking research in the areas of digital transformation and the digital workplace. Launched in early 2015, IndustryConnect is an initiative of CEIR (Center for Enterprise Information Systems Research), a cooperation project between the Enterprise Information Management Research Group and the Business Software Research Group at the University Koblenz-Landau.
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This project investigates transformations to work processes and practices in large-scale, heterogeneous enterprise collaboration platforms in order to obtain deeper theoretical and practical understandings of how collaborative work takes place within the digital workplace.
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BECS-2 builds on and extends the work completed in the original project (BECS-1). The project examines the transformative characteristics of ECS. Through the collection of research data in the form of case studies, surveys, interviews, logfile data from 29 ECS using organisations, and provides the first large-scale, comprehensive, empirical study on the role of ECS in the digital transformation of organisations.
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Digitisation and the transition to the Digital Workplace are driving profound change in organisations. Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) that provide large-scale, integrated and socially-enabled collaboration platforms have emerged as a fundamental component of the Digital Workplace. The benefits of ECS and methods for the identification, measurement and realisation of ECS benefits were the subject of investigation in the first phase of this project.
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The purpose of this project is the establishment and the operation of a competence center for educational institutions. Its aim is the identification of a broad spectrum of established, as well as alternative technologies in the field of collaborative work. Further goals are the target-group-specific review of the existing knowledge of collaborative technologies. The learning-platform is complemented by international research projects in the fields of collaborative technologies. The findings of the different projects continuously are integrated into the teaching material of the business software research group.
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