Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
All regular students enrolled at the University of Koblenz are members of the student body.
The student body is a public corporation. As such, it manages its own student affairs within the framework of the law and its statutes.
The organs of the student body are
the General Assembly,
Furthermore, students can organize themselves together in university groups.
The "rules of the game" in the student body are determined by the state university law, our statutes and various other regulations. To give you an insight into your rights and possibilities of participation, we have collected the most important documents for you here:
In many university committees there are also student representatives, so that they represent a voice of the student body there.
University Council
Department Council of Department 1
Department Council of Department 2
Department Council of Department 3
Department Council of Department 4
Student members of the University of Koblenz:
Henrick Schmitt
Margarethe Theisen
There are 3 student members from the University and 2 from the College on the Board of administration of the Studierendenwerk.