Travel grant from the Max Buchner Research Foundation for active participation at the ICPP 2024

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Jun-Prof. Dr. Marie-T. Hopp presented current research results in the field of heme-induced coagulation disorders at the “International Congress of Porphyrins and Porphyrias” in Spain, sponsored by the Max Buchner Research Foundation.

From September 21 to 25, 2024, the “International Congress of Porphyrins and Porphyrias” took place in Pamplona, Spain. With a focus on the biochemistry of heme and associated diseases (especially porphyrias), this conference is unique. As the largest conference in this field of research, it not only brings together scientists, but also involves clinicians and affected patients and their families. More than 60 lectures and 70 posters were dedicated to the molecular basis of heme biosynthesis and its regulation, heme signaling and transport pathways, the role of heme in diseases and current strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of porphyrias. In the session “Heme in pathophysiology”, Marie-T. Hopp, head of the Bioorganic Chemistry working group, contributed with her lecture “Role of heme as a modulator of blood coagulation proteins”, in which she reported on the current results in analyzing blood coagulation factors as heme-binding and heme-regulated proteins and the functional consequences thereof.

Her participation was financially supported by a travel grant from the Max Buchner Research Foundation.

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