University of Koblenz participated in the Curious 2024 Future Insight™ Conference

© Marie-T. Hopp
© Marie-T. Hopp
Junior professor Dr. Marie-T. Hopp and Lorena Kröner from the Bioorganic Chemistry group at the University of Koblenz took part in the Curious 2024 Future Insight™ Conference at the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz. In the “Human Health” section, Lorena Kröner, a doctoral student from this group, had the opportunity to discuss her poster entitled “Salamander and newt skin peptides: Potential applications in drug research and medical biotechnology” with an international audience and make valuable new contacts. She also received a partial conference scholarship for the promotion of young scientists from the German Chemical Society (GDCh).

Mit über 2.500 Teilnehmer*innen brachte der Innovationskongress internationale Spitzenkräfte aus Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation unter dem Motto „United by Science for a better Tomorrow“ in den Life Sciences zusammen. 

After a welcome ceremony, in which the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Science and Health, Clemens Hoch, welcomed the attendees to the biotechnology location Rhineland-Palatinate, a keynote speech by Uğur Şahin, CEO of BioNTech and Professor of Translational Oncology and Immunology at the University of Mainz, on revolutionary biotechnologies for the development of individualized cancer treatment followed. Further lectures by international scientists, including seven Nobel Prize winners from the fields of chemistry, physiology, medicine, and physics, presented groundbreaking research content and innovative technologies, particularly in the field of life sciences. This was concluded by two sessions in which 50 posters selected in advance by a committee were presented in the subject areas “Bright Future - New ways of working together”, “Life Reimagined - Synthetic biology and more”, “Renewable Energy - Sustainability and storage”, “Human Mind - Consciousness uncovered”, “Human Health - New breakthrough therapies and diagnostics”, “Mobility & Space Flight - Transportation for tomorrow”, “Smart Materials - Chemistry and beyond” and “Vibrant Digital - Digitalization AI and robotics”.

Participation was sponsered by Future Insight e.V. and the Ministry of Science and Health of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate.

#UnitedByScience #LifeSciences

Date of publication