Our counselling service offers assistance when your studies aren’t going as planned, maybe because of motivational or performance problems, learning or examination difficulties or family or health issues. The counselling aims at reflecting on the situation together with all its factors and at taking a look at options. Personal and external resources should be taken into account to explore decision-making and action options and help to develop new skills to tackle the situation.

Decision making: Advice for Doubts about Studying
Are you feeling overwhelmed with your studies? Stuck or lost? Unsure of how to continue or if your choice of studies was the right decision? No one in your family has studied before and navigating university life seems endlessly difficult? Despite your great efforts, you feel like you’re not progressing and all your hard work seems to be in vain?
The counselling provides assistance and new perspectives when situations in your studies are causing difficulties and you’re unclear about which steps come next.
The counselling supports you in coping with these difficulties and the decision-making process, whether it’s changing your course of studies or leaving university with an eye towards a career alternative. None of these options is favoured, since there is not only one right path to a successful career. The focus is individual, solution-oriented advice, which aims at empowering students to overcome difficulties and gain a new perspective on their own resources and opportunities.