Spatial Thinking in STEM Learning (Sell STEM) (EU - Horizon 2020)

Spatial ability is strongly related to achievement in and attraction towards STEM learning yet is underdeveloped among many young people. The large gender gap in spatial ability in favour of males means girls are over-represented in the low spatial ability group and therefore more disadvantaged in STEM learning. SellSTEM will create ways to develop spatial ability among children through online learning, tactile activities, integrated with other subjects and through project-based learning. Early stage researchers will work with teachers and teacher educators to identify barriers and enablers to developing spatial ability so they can provide sustainable classroom solutions to increase the spatial ability of children. Improved curricula will be produced along with strategies to change teacher education and teaching practice. Guides for teachers to assessing spatial ability and classroom teaching activities for differentage groups will be developed so teachers can promote growth in spatial ability especially among girls. SellSTEM will produce new knowledge and methods to increase STEM enrolment and reduce gender imbalance.

Fundings & Partners

Project partners
TU Dublin
TU Delft
Universität Regensburg
Bangor University
University of Salzburg
Leiden University
University of Latvia
Funded by
EU - Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement


Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics / Vice President for Research and Transfer / Scientific Director Ada-Lovelace-Project

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Scientific employee SellSTEM-Projekt

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