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E-Government (EN)
Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer
The research group for E-Government researches and teaches the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the public sector. On the one hand, questions of technology are examined and, on the other hand, a holistic approach to e-government is taken from a multidisciplinary perspective in order to understand and shape the various relationships between organization, people and technology.

The eGovernment research group deals with the topic of eGovernment from various current issues. Aspects of ICT use in the areas of public administration, interoperability, standardization, semantic web, information processing and process design in cross-administrative networks, etc. are taught and researched. On the one hand, the focus is on the focused and structured processing of topics specific to public administration informatics. On the other hand, application-oriented projects and the scientific support of projects in public administration are carried out. The approach of the research group is characterized by interdisciplinarity, i.e. people, technology, organization and processes are considered in context. A special focus is placed on the interaction of the different characteristics. Aspects of user-oriented system design, the consideration of process interfaces to other administrations, to citizens and to companies as well as knowledge management must not be neglected.
Postal address:
University of Koblenz | FB4: Computer Science
Institute for IS Research
FG E-Government
P.O. Box 201 602
56016 Koblenz
Visitors address:
University of Koblenz
FG E-Government (IWVI) - Building A
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz