Prof. Dr. Norbert Frick
Dr. Norbert Frick is a Professor for Business Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Hachenburg since the end of 2020, where his lectures are focusing on Process Management, IT Management and Data Management. Beforehand, he was working as a consultant at CONET Solutions GmbH in Koblenz, supporting clients in the areas of IT strategy, strategic IT management, architecture management and process management. He studied computer science with a focus on business informatics at the universities of Bonn and Koblenz-Landau (location Koblenz). Until 2015, he worked in the research group Business Software as a research associate specializing in interorganizational integration, process management, ERP systems and Enterprise 2.0. Following that, he worked as a process manager at Debeka. In 2017, he successfully completed his doctorate in economics and social sciences (Dr. rer. pol.) at the University of Koblenz-Landau.