Current Competence Centers

Current Competence Centers

LITO - Competence Center for Leadership Intelligence and Virtual Teams in Organizations

LITO deals with different aspects of leadership including digital leadership and e-leadership, digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) and their intersection with leadership intelligence. In general, it deals with leadership aspects in the context of the digital transformation of organizations. Specifically, the LITO deals with the question of how the attitudes, feelings, mindsets, behaviors and/or performance of employees (followers) can be influenced and steered in the directions desired by the respective managers (leaders) through the use of digital technologies.

LITO's goal is to advance research on leadership intelligence in organizations, specifically in enterprises with a focus on leading virtual teams, both nationally and internationally. A further mission of the LITO is to transfer current scientific results into corporate practice and, thus, to strengthen the inter-organizational knowledge and technology transfer between research and practice in this area to support companies in the targeted use of leadership intelligence practices.

GAMOS - Competence Center for Gamification in Organizations and for Sustainability

The research field "Gamification" deals with the use of gamified elements, e.g. points, levels, rankings or even complete game environments, so-called "serious games," to influence human behavior in a desired direction.

The goal of GAMOS is to advance research on gamification in the corporate sector, especially with regard to its use in start-ups, as well as in the sustainability sector, internationally. Furthermore, it is the declared mission of GAMOS to transfer current scientific results into corporate practice and to support organizations in the targeted use of gamification.

ISTDA - Intelligent Sports & Tennis Data Analytics

STDA - a competence center of ZIFET, the Central Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Entrepreneurship & International Transfer at the University of Koblenz - focuses on the possibilities of using algorithms to intelligently analyze data from sports, especially tennis, in order to improve the learning and execution of diverse sports. Tennis is the core discipline we are focusing on for many reasons, i.e., full-body training, high coordination requirements, and the important role of physical as well as mental fitness.

Moreover, this focus of ISTDA - Intelligent Sports & Tennis Data Analytics - fits very well with the profile of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz, which is called "Data Intelligence." The term "intelligence" here refers to the computer science research field of "artificial intelligence" (AI). The term "data" refers primarily to the increasing amount - and due to increasing computer power: processing capability - of data, i.e. "Big Data." Bringing the two perspectives together, intelligent data analysis discovers hidden, previously unknown facts and delivers potentially important information or facts from large amounts of data. The goal is to identify the meaning of data.