

A final thesis is usually the last piece of evidence of achievement to be submitted as part of a Bachelor's or Master's degree program. The following explanatory video provides a summary of the organizational process from finding a topic to registering a thesis. Remark: The video is only available in German.

In principle, the choice of topic should be primarily interest-driven. The processing of own topics in connection with partners from practice is not excluded. However, the topics proposed by companies must be critically examined for scientific merit before an appointment can be made with those responsible for the working group. Furthermore, cooperation with a practice partner can also fail due to contracts concluded between the actors. Here the individual case decides.

As already shown in the video, our working group exclusively supervises theses (Bachelor's and Master's theses) that are within its core area - the management of information, innovation, entrepreneurship and organization. Please apply by e-mail with

  1. a tabular, academically-oriented curriculum vitae (colleges and universities incl. major fields of study as well as listing of previous scientific work and its topics),

  2. a letter of motivation (pre-exposé) referencing an advertised topic or proposing your own topic (including research gap/need and potential research questions; optional: suggestion of possible research methods and personal relation to the topic), and

  3. a current summary of grades

to the research assistant Christian Tuschner. Please put Prof. Dr. Harald von Korflesch on copy (cc.) of the e-mail.

After the successful application, a first meeting takes place. The subsequent preparation of an exposé is obligatory for every thesis - whether advertised or externally motivated. The instructions for writing scientific theses (seminar paper/Bachelor's thesis/Master's thesis) in the MI2EO research group can be downloaded here. After approval by Prof. von Korflesch, you are responsible for registering your thesis with the examination office.

Due to the increased demand for theses, we would like to point out that we may not be able to accept all applications.

Current topics in our research group

Topics addressed by our current research activities and projects are illustrated in the following overview. Exciting questions arise continuously, which can be answered in your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. Please feel free to make your own suggestions for interesting questions within these topic areas or have a look at our advertised topics (if currently available).

Please note: The topics/topic areas for theses are published in German. If you are interested in writing your thesis in English, please note this in your application. We will then inform you whether we can offer you a topic in English.

In addition, we are currently establishing a special interest group/center of excellence for "Intelligent Sports/Tennis Data Analytics (ISTDA)". If you are interested in writing a thesis in this research area, you are also welcome to apply.

Currently advertised topics for theses

All thesis topics listed below are to be understood as a framework, which will be discussed in detail in a personal meeting.



