Teaching Concept

Teaching Concept

The teaching concept of the MI²EO research group aims to provide students with sound theoretical basic knowledge in the areas of information management, entrepreneurship, technology and innovation management, knowledge and cooperation management as well as human resources and organization on the one hand and establish the necessary practical relevance on the other. Current developments from research and practice are integrated into the courses for this purpose.

Due to the different generic requirements for the development of new content, the best possible knowledge transfer for the learners can only be achieved by combining suitable teaching methods. The focus of our teaching is therefore always on the learner, who is expected to take an active part even in basic lectures.

In order to ensure the high quality of our German- and English-language courses, the integration of a variety of different interactive teaching methods is central to the teaching concept. In addition to theoretical basic knowledge and study-specific expertise, students are to be taught the methodology required for scientific work at an early stage of their studies through the preparation of assignments and seminar papers.

On the other hand, practical methods are specifically taken up in teaching to prepare students for later professional challenges in companies. In a scientific education oriented towards corporate practice, teamwork by the students is a central component. By working on current case studies and the multimedia presentation of the results, the students are trained in their methodological and media competence and also experience the possible applications of the presented instruments in practice. The case studies are often accompanied by company representatives to provide the students with practical knowledge "first hand". External lecturers from science and practice are also invited to explain selected problems within the events.

In addition to the selection of suitable methods, the embedding of e-learning in the teaching concept and the multimedia implementation of teaching are of enormous importance for successful knowledge transfer. Thus, the MI²EO research group pursues a blended learning approach, which is based on a mix of traditional, non-digital and modern digital forms of teaching and learning. In close cooperation with the Institute for Knowledge Media, the central institution for the coordination of eLearning at the University of Koblenz, the courses are specifically supplemented by digital means of communication and various publication platforms (such as WebCT). With the campus-wide wireless network and the multimedia seminar room "mlab", the MI²EO research group also has the best conditions for testing innovative forms of teaching and learning and integrating them into the teaching concept.