AG Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft
Welcome to the website of the Research Group of Movement and Exercise Sciences at the University of Koblenz (MoveEx). As a research lead of MoveEx, I would like to provide an overview of the scientific content and activities of the research group.
In cooperation with the biomechanics research team at London South Bank University (United Kingdom; Sport and Exercise Science Research Centre | London South Bank University (lsbu.ac.uk)) and members from the Faculty of Mathematics and Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, Campus Remagen (Faculty of Mathematics and Technology (hs-koblenz.de)) our main research focuses on the plasticity and adaptation of the neuromuscular system in response to physical exercise and mechanical loading. We primarily investigate the mechanosensitivity and interaction of human muscle and tendon as well as the interplay between the neural and motor system during functional activities such as walking, running, and jumping. One of our main interests is to provide knowledge for researchers, clinicians, coaches and athletes focusing on musculoskeletal injury prevention and rehabilitation, adaptation of muscle and tendon, as well as locomotor plasticity to changing environmental demands aimed to enhance fall resilience in healthy and pathological conditions.
Together with the biomechanics research team at London South Bank University and the members from the Faculty of Mathematics and Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, we have an international team with a multidisciplinary research approach, including expertise in sport science, bioengineering, exercise physiology, mathematics, and statistics aimed to provide high-quality postgraduate research in the field of Movement and Exercise Sciences. MoveEx is actively involved in the Institute for Medical Engineering and Information Processing (MTI | Universität Koblenz (uni-koblenz.de) and thereby offers translational studies for clinical application.