1. Professional Engagement / Berufliches Engagement |
1.3 Reflective practice / Reflektierte Praxis
Using experimentation and peer learning as a source for development. - I seek to improve and update my digital pedagogical competence through experimentation and peer learning.
- I creatively experiment with and reflect on new pedagogical approaches, enabled by digital technologies.
| E: A1 (Newcomer) Z: B1 (Integrator) |
2. Digital Resources / Digitale Ressourcen |
2.1 Selecting digital Recources / Auswählen digitaler Resourcen
Identifying and assessing suitable resources using basic criteria. - I adapt my search strategies based on the results I obtain.
- I filter results to find suitable resources, using appropriate criteria.
- I evaluate the quality of digital resources based on basic criteria, such as e.g. place of publication, authorship, other users’ feedback.
- I select resources that my learners may find appealing e.g. videos.
| E: A1 (Newcomer) Z: B1 (Integrator) |
3. Teaching and Learning / Lehren und Lernen |
3.1 Teaching / Lehren
Integrating available digital technologies meaningfully into the teaching process. - I organize and manage the integration of digital devices (e.g. classroom technologies, students’ devices) into the teaching and learning process.
- I manage the integration of digital content, e.g. videos, interactive activities, into the teaching and learning process.
| E: A1 (Newcomer) Z: B1 (Integrator) |
4. Assessment / Evaluation |
4.1 Assessment Strategies / Lernstand erheben
Employing and modifying existing digital assessment tools and formats. - I use some existing digital technologies for formative or summative assessment, e.g. digital quizzes, e-portfolios, games.
- I adapt digital assessment tools to support my specific assessment goal, e.g. create a test using a digital test system
| E: A1 (Newcomer) Z: B1 (Integrator) |
5. Empowering Learners / Lernendenorientierung |
5.3 Actively engaging learners / Aktive Einbindung von Lernenden
Fostering learners' acitve use of digital technologies. - I put learners' active use of digital technologies at the centre ot the instrucional process.
- I choose the most appropriate tool for fostering learners' active engagement in a given learning context or for a specific learning objective.
| E: A1 (Newcomer) Z: B1 (Integrator) |