Course evaluation

Course evaluation

at the faculty

Course evaluation at the faculty

Course evaluation at the Faculty of Mathematics / Natural Sciences is based on the "Partial Basic Regulations for Quality Assurance and Development in Academics and Teaching at the University of Koblenz".

The Quality Assurance Commission of Faculty 3 is made up of the members of the Academics and Teaching Committee and a representative of the non-academic staff. The student representatives and the representatives of the academic staff each have one vote in decisions made by the Quality Assurance Commission.

Things to know about quality assurance

The Quality Assurance Commission's resolution stipulates that every course offered at the faculty is evaluated at least twice per accreditation period of the respective study programme. Courses offered by junior professors or lecturers are always evaluated. At the beginning of each term, the Quality Assurance Committee selects the courses to be evaluated and registers them for evaluation with the University of Koblenz's Methods Centre. Notwithstanding this, all teachers at Faculty 3 are free to have themselves evaluated and to register their own individual courses for evaluation.

The teaching evaluation is carried out by the Methodological Centre of the University of Koblenz, on whose homepage you can find further information on the methodological approach and answers to frequently asked questions.

On completion of the course evaluation for a term, the Quality Assurance Committee receives an anonymised summary report on all evaluated courses for the term. This report is published on the faculty's homepage. The Quality Assurance Committee also selects courses that are honoured for particularly good teaching. A distinction is made between lectures and other forms of teaching, the response rate must be at least 25% (lectures) or 30% (other forms of teaching) of the students registered for the course, but in any case at least 10 students, and only the results of the questions from the teaching evaluation questionnaire that actually relate to the quality of the teacher are taken into account. The course-related reports of the best and worst rated courses are requested by the Evaluation Unit (StEVA). The teachers of the three lectures and the three other courses that achieved the best evaluation results in a term are also published on the faculty's homepage. The Quality Assurance Committee also decides on the procedure to be followed in the event of persistently poorly evaluated teaching.

Evaluation results in the summer semester 2024

Best rated events:

The award winners

title of the Course (Type of Course)

Dr. Eva Maria Kaufholz-Soldat

Geschichte der Mathematik (Lecture)

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Winkel

Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der GS (Vorlesung)

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Winkel

Didaktik der Geometrie (Lecture)

Dr. Dorothee Killmann

Nutz- und Heilpflanzen (Exercise)

PD Dr. Thomas Brühne

Deutschland-Exkursion (Field trip)

PD Dr. Thomas Brühne

Exkursion zur Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktion (Field trip)

Evaluation results in the winter semester 2023/2024

Best rated events:

The award winners

title of the Course (Type of Course)

Dr. Frank Zimmerschied

Theoretische Physik 2: Quantentheorie, statistische Physik und Thermodynamik (Lecture)

Dr. Eva Kaufholz-Soldat

Grundlagen der Mathematik C: Geometrie, elementare Algebra u. Zahlentheorie (Lecture)

Dr. Carina Schink

Organische Chemie 3 (Lecture)

Franziska Deppe

Diversität von Laufkäfern und ihre Bestimmung (Exercise)

Bianca Cordes

Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Grundschule (Seminar)

Justin Reif

Mit- und gegeneinander spielen (Block course)

Evaluation results in the summer semester 2023

Best rated events:

The award winners

title of the Course (Type of Course)

apl. Prof. Dr. Patrick Scheid

Human-Parasitologie und Infektionsbiologie (Lecture)

Prof. Dr. Peter Ullrich

Geschichte der Mathematik (Lecture)

Prof. (UM6P) Dr. Christian Fischer

Solid State Physics (Lecture)

Dr. Svenja Brockmüller

Geographische Feldexkursion: Humangeographie (Field trip)

PD Dr. Thomas Brühne

Auslands-Exkursion Süd-Frankreich (Field trip)

Carola Geisen

Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik, Grundschulbildung (Seminar)

Dr. Eva Kaufholz-Soldat

Geschichte der Mathematik (Exercise)

Evaluation results in the winter semester 2022/2023

Best rated events:

The award winners

title of the Course (Type of Course)

Dr. Eva Kaufholz-Soldat

Entwicklung der Mathematik in der Neuzeit (Lecture)

apl. Prof. Dr. Patrick Scheid

Ökologische Parasitologie (Lecture)

Dr. Carina Schink

Organische Chemie 3 (Lecture)

PD Dr. Thomas Brühne

Ausgewählte Themen der Gesellschaft-Umwelt Forschung (Exercise)

Eva Plath

Diversität von Spinnen und ihre Bestimmung (Exercise)

Dr. Eva Kaufholz-Soldat

Entwicklung der Mathematik in der Neuzeit (Seminar)

Evaluation results in the summer semester 2022

Best rated events:

The award winners

title of the Course (Type of Course)

Dr. Dorothee Killmann

Nutz- und Heilpflanzen (Lecture)

Dr. Igor Kharif

Vertiefende Eigenschaften von trigonometrischen Funktionen (Lecture)

Dr. Torben Schlebrowski

Astrophysik und Kosmologie (Lecture)

Martin Klauer

Didaktik der elementaren Algebra und der Zahlbereichserweiterungen (Lecture)

Franziska Deppe

Diversität von Laufkäfern und ihre Bestimmung (Exercise)

PD Dr. Thomas Brühne

Deutschland-Exkursion (Field trip)

Christina Volk

Deutschland-Exkursion (Block course)

Picture: The award winners F. Deppe and D. Killmann (from left to right) after receiving their certificates.

Info: the results and winners of previous evaluations can be found here.