ERASMUS+ is the European Union's programme for education, youth and sport. The aim of the ERASMUS+ programme is the academic and cultural exchange between students from Europe. In the process, both academic and linguistic as well as intercultural competences and skills are acquired.
The University of Koblenz has successfully applied to participate in ERASMUS+ and has concluded bilateral, subject-related ERASMUS agreements with around 80 universities. This gives students at the University of Koblenz the opportunity to complete an ERASMUS+ term at one of the partner universities.
Liability Clause This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects only the author's personal opinion and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
General Information
All information listed below is taken from the ERASMUS+ guide which is issued by the DAAD to German universities participating in the ERASMUS+ programme. Further, information below also comprises of the ERASMUS+ charter and the University of Koblenz' experience of implementing the programme over many years.
What exactly is an ERASMUS+ study programme?
What is ERASMUS+ study?
ERASMUS+ gives students the opportunity to study for one or two semesters at a European university in order to enhance their cultural and social skills and improve their career prospects. They get to know the academic system of a foreign university as well as its learning and teaching methods.
The programme enables you to study abroad in Europe for 2-12 months. Students can be sponsored several times in each study period (Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate) and for a total of up to twelve months. The maximum funding period refers to the study cycle, not the subject. If a student completes a second Bachelor's/Master's degree but has already used the ERASMUS+ funding of 12 months in the first Bachelor's/Master's degree, he/she cannot claim ERASMUS+ funding in the second Bachelor's degree.
Where can I take part in the programme?
ERASMUS+ stays are funded in all participating programme countries. These are all 28 member states of the EU as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey. The University of Koblenz currently has ERASMUS+ contracts with about 80 universities in approximately 20 countries.
At which partner university you would like to spend an ERASMUS+ stay abroad depends on the ERASMUS+ partner universities of your field(s) of study. You can get an overview of the currently valid ERASMUS+ contracts as well as the active subject coordinators (your contact persons in the subject) down below under ERASMUS+ Partner Universities of the University of Koblenz.
Which requirements do I have to fulfill to take part in the ERASMUS+ programme?
You must....
be enrolled in a full-time degree programme (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.) or as a doctoral student,
have completed two semesters of study at the time of the start of the stay abroad (in the Master's programme this is possible from the first semester onwards),
have good academic grades and good to very good knowledge of the language of instruction at the partner university.
Your stay must...
take place at one of the ERASMUS+ partner universities which has a valid cooperation agreement with your field of study,
last a minimum of 2 months (except for trimesters) and a maximum of 12 months.
Which advantages do I have?
no tuition fees at the partner university
simplified application procedure at foreign universities
depending on the university: housing provided or assistance in finding accommodation
language preparation, e.g. via free and/or low-cost language courses at the partner universities before and during the study abroad programme
free online language tests (compulsory) and online language courses in many European languages
support from the home university
financial support during the stay; different scholarship rates are paid depending on the destination country
special grants for students with children
special grants for students with disabilities
special grants for sustainable travel
All German and international students enrolled at the University of Koblenz who have completed their 1st year of study can participate in the ERASMUS+ programme. The application procedure generally runs via the departments and the ONLINE procedure.
When applying, please note that the semester times at the partner universities may differ from the semester times at the University of Koblenz and that there may be overlaps.
Where and how do I apply?
Find out which ERASMUS+ partner universities are offered in your field of study and take a look at the websites of the partner universities to see what they have to offer.
Contact the ERASMUS+ subject coordinator responsible for your degree programme for advice on specific questions.
Students of our university apply ONLINE after consultation with the ERASMUS+ subject coordinator responsible for the respective partner university, who decides on the suitability and the number of ECTS credits needed and, in consultation with the International Relations Office, makes the final allocation of places. The names of the ERASMUS+ subject coordinators can be found on our website with the ERASMUS partner universities.
Usually, the application procedure takes place twice a year (31.01. for the winter term and/or summer term and 30.06. for remaining places of the summer term). Frequent criteria for selection are previous academic achievements, academic and personal motivation for the stay abroad, study plans, language skills and social aspects.
Please ask the ERASMUS+ subject coordinator responsible for you about the application documents required in the subject, selection criteria and the applicable deadlines.
The selection by the department initially only means a statement about your suitability for the ERASMUS+ study place. In the course of the further procedure, the International Relations Office will inform you at a later point in time whether you will receive a place in the ERASMUS+ programme.
proof of language skills in the language of teaching at the host university (e.g. copy of Abitur, copy of language certificate or proof of participation in a language course)
motivational letter of max. 1 page
current transcript of grades from KLIPS (with details of the LPs acquired so far and the average grade)
current certificate of enrolment
Relevant Criteria
Admission process and admission criteria for the assignment of spots:
Only applications received before the application deadline can be considered for selection. The selection and allocation of places is carried out by the ERASMUS+ subject coordinator.
Please note: The number of places per partner university is limited. If there are more applications than places for a particular partnership in a single academic year, a selection process will be carried out by the ERASMUS+ subject coordinator.
The selection criteria are:
completeness of the submitted documents
language competence (sufficient language skills required for successful studies at the respective partner university)
professional qualification / academic performance
personal motivation (quality of the letter of motivation) and justification of the study project abroad
extracurricular commitment
independence, initiative
ERASMUS+ promotes equal opportunities and inclusion by facilitating access for participants from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Therefore, ERASMUS+ grants cannot be declined for the reasons mentioned below:
impairments (i.e. participants with special needs): people with mental (intellectual, cognitive, learning), physical, sensory or other impairments;
economic barriers: people with low income, welfare dependency or no residence;
cultural differences: immigrants or refugees or descendants of immigrant or refugee families, members of a national or ethnic minority; people who are linguistically and culturally non-integrated;
health problems: people with chronic health problems, serious illnesses or mental health problems;
social barriers: people discriminated because of their gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or similar; people with limited social skills or with anti-social or dangerous behaviour; people in a precarious situation; (former) offenders, (former) drug addicts or alcoholics; young and/or single parents; orphans...,
Online Applications
After the consultation with your subject coordinator, please register online at the Mobility Portal of the International Relations Office of the University of Koblenz.
Applications can only be submitted via the online form.
The fields marked with a star are mandatory.
Be sure to use your university e-mail address for the application.
Please make sure that you select the specific semester.
For some boxes you will find help texts or buttons with brief explanations for the entries.
After you have completed and submitted your application, you will automatically receive a letter of confirmation to the e-mail address you entered.
After registering, you must complete your personal data so that we can contact you if we have any queries (address, telephone etc.).
It is not necessary to print out the online registration as a pdf file and have it signed by the ERASMUS+ subject coordinator.
Further procedure:
About 3-4 weeks after the above-mentioned deadlines, you will receive further information on the organisational procedure of your ERASMUS+ study programme by e-mail.
In addition, you must sign an ERASMUS+ Grant Agreement and submit it to the International Relations Office. This is the legal basis for receiving the ERASMUS+ mobility grant. You will be contacted by the International Relations Office in advance to sign the agreement.
The International Relations Office will inform the partner university who has been selected for ERASMUS+ studies by our university. However, this does not mean that you are automatically accepted as a student at this partner university. Our notification (usually by email, of which you will receive a copy) to the partner university has the purpose of letting the university know that you are eligible to apply as an ERASMUS+ student.
You are responsible for the actual application at the partner university and you must find out for yourself when to submit which application documents. This information is made available on the websites of the partner universities at different times.
Each university has its own procedure for ERASMUS+ incoming applications. Do not rely on reports from former ERASMUS+ students on this point. Do your own research on the websites of the partner universities to find out the deadlines, the type of application and the documents you need to submit. Some universities require that the documents are sent to the (central) ERASMUS+ office, others give the address of the respective faculty. More and more universities have an online registration/application, which is sometimes only updated and available at a certain time. Application documents may include: application form, Learning Agreement/proposed study programme, overview of courses taken at the home university, application for accommodation, proof of language skills, language course application forms.
Important: Please make sure that you observe any deadlines for sending in the enrolment and application forms!
If you are asked for the ERASMUS+ code of the University of Koblenz, this is: D KOBLENZ02.
Only when you have received the confirmation from the partner university, you are admitted to the ERASMUS+ study programme and can start your studies at the partner university!
Extension of stay
In principle, it is possible to extend an Erasmus+ mobility programme by a further term, provided there are sufficient funds and places available. In addition, it is only possible to extend from the winter semester to the summer semester. If you start the mobility in the summer semester, an extension to the winter semester is not possible. You must always apply for an extension in advance at the International Relations Office.
Financial Support for Erasmus+ Study Programmes
If you have successfully applied for an ERASMUS+ stay for studies (SMS, student mobility for studies), you will receive a monthly funding rate based on the destination country of the selected partner university:
Funding Rates
Country Group
TArget Country
funding RAtes (2021-Project)
Funding Rates (Projects as from 2022)
Group 1 (high living costs)
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
450€ / month
600€ / month
Group 2 (moderate living costs)
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
for participants with limited opportunities (students travelling with child(ren), students with chronic illnesses or a GdB over 20)
250€ / month
for sustainable travel (green travel, e.g. by bus, train or carpooling)
50€ one-time, plus up to four additional paid travel days, if applicable.
ERASMUS+-eligible students should also be able to claim BAföG for their stay abroad with ERASMUS+. With the BAföG regulation in effect since 2011 (crediting regulation of § 21 para. 3 no. 2 BAföG), (EU) grants up to a maximum of €300 per month on average, remain free of crediting. This applies indiscriminately to all talent- and performance-based scholarships (ERASMUS+ is counted among them). Grants of more than € 300 per month are considered as income and are credited as benefits in addition to BAföG. Under the ERASMUS+ programme, amounts over €300 are counted. Students who do not receive BAföG in Germany may also be able to receive BAföG abroad.
Please contact the BAföG office for information on the conditions.
ERASMUS+ and other scholarships
A DAAD scholarship and ERASMUS+ funding cannot be claimed at the same time.
ERASMUS Mundus and ERASMUS+ scholarship cannot be claimed at the same time.
If you receive a scholarship from another institution (e.g. foundation, Deutschlandstipendium), you will receive the regular EARSMUS+ funding rate.
Language Skills
If you want to study abroad successfully, you need to have a good knowledge of the foreign language.
For this reason, we recommend that you prepare yourself linguistically for your stay abroad before you apply, but at the latest from the time of your application. You can find out which language skills are recommended or sometimes required by the respective university in the list of ERASMUS partner universities at the end of this website. Please note that some partner universities require a certain certificate (e.g. TOEFL test), which you should take care of early on.
Information on the respective language courses and funding opportunities can be obtained from the International Relations Office.
Some foreign universities also offer language courses before the semester begins and/or during the semester. Please check the websites of the respective universities for more information.
Language tests and language courses (Online Linguistic Support - OLS)
The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is part of the ERASMUS+ mobility to support students in learning and improving their foreign language skills. It consists of two components: a compulsory language test before and after the ERASMUS+ period and an optional language course.
With the exception of native speakers, ERASMUS+ students must take an OLS language test before the start and at the end of the exchange if they have one of the languages listed below as their main/working language. This is to evaluate the development of language learning of ERASMUS+ students. Students can access the test via email through
The OLS language test is mandatory and part of the closed Grant Agreement. Attention: At the moment the EU platform for the OLS language test is not yet available. Therefore, the obligation to take the OLS language test before the mobility does not apply for the moment. However, we will ask you to take the OLS language test if necessary.
Please note: If your test was rated C2 in your first language, you do not have to take a final language test.
In addition to the online language test, tutored online language courses are offered for these languages by the EU Commission. With the help of the free OLS language courses, ERASMUS+ students can improve their foreign language skills before and during their stay abroad. The courses are free of charge, but each higher education institution is only given a limited number of licences to participate in the online language courses, which are then passed on to participants in the ERASMUS+ programme, who are in turn informed of this by e-mail through
With a test result of A1 to B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, ERASMUS+ students automatically receive a licence for an online language course.
With a language level of B2 to C1, students are given the opportunity to take an online language course in the national language, provided it is available in the OLS system.
However, for the "smaller" languages there are only language courses at A1 level so far. For some languages, however, live coaching (living tutoring and MOOCS) is also offered.
Students are also informed about access to the online language course by e-mail.
Detailed information on the EU Commission's Online Linguistics Support can be found here and on the ERASMUS+ fact sheet.
Preparatory intensive language courses abroad
Some foreign universities also offer language courses before the start of the semester and/or during the semester. Please check the websites of the respective university for more information.
Participation in language courses organised by the partner university during the semester is not funded separately, as these take place during the actual study period and are considered a regular course.
Recognition of academic credits
Studying abroad is always associated with the central question of whether and to what extent the study and examination credits obtained abroad will be recognised at the University of Koblenz upon your return. Therefore, it is important that you clarify this question with your ERASMUS+ subject coordinator and/or subject advisor as well as the responsible examination office before you leave and create a so-called Learning Agreement for Studies. After your stay abroad, you can then apply for recognition of the academic achievements gained abroad at your responsible examination office/committee by presenting your Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records.
At the University of Koblenz, the recognition of credits obtained abroad is generally based on ECTS, the examination regulations and in accordance with the Lisbon Convention on Recognition.
The ERASMUS+ programme provides for full academic recognition of achievements successfully completed abroad. All higher education institutions participating in the programme have committed themselves to this by recognising the ERASMUS+ Charter. The Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records are important foundations for this. Only courses that were agreed upon in the Learning Agreement and that are documented in the Transcript of Records can be recognised. This means that the courses listed in the Learning Agreement must correspond to those in the Transcript of Records. It may be necessary to submit a revised Learning Agreement for this purpose.
The University Examination Office provides information and offers advice with regard to the exam regulations. Furthermore, they are your contact persons for the recognition of previously completed periods of study, coursework and examinations.
Before your Stay Abroad - Learning Agreement
Find out about the courses offered at your partner university via the website of your partner university and your ERASMUS+ subject coordinator and compare these with the courses you would still have to take at the University of Koblenz and would like to complete abroad.
Together with your ERASMUS+ subject coordinator, draw up a study plan in the form of a Learning Agreement for Studies (before the mobility).
Please note: Students who are funded in the ERASMUS+ programme should, according to the guidelines of the EU Commission, list a study programme of approx. 30 ECTS per semester in the Learning Agreement. We recommend that students include at least 15 ECTS in the Learning Agreement that can be recognised at the University of Koblenz. Learning Agreements that include less than 15 ECTS in the study programme per semester will not be accepted and funding via ERASMUS+ is not possible.
The Learning Agreement must be signed by three persons before the start of your studies abroad: you, your ERASMUS+ subject coordinator or the person responsible for recognition issues at the department and the responsible contact person at your partner university. You digitally sign the Learning Agreement in Mobility Online.
That way, the study plan formally becomes a Learning Agreement. This means that all participants agree to adhere to this study plan. Only then, you will receive the 1st instalment of your ERASMUS+ grant.
During your Stay Abroad - Changes
Changes of the Learning Agreement must be documented in the Learning Agreement within four weeks after the start of the courses at the partner university and again signed by all parties involved in Mobility Online.
After your Stay Abroad - Transcript of Records - Accreditation
At the partner university, you will complete the coursework agreed upon in the Learning Agreement. You will receive a list of your academic achievements with the corresponding credit points and grades in the form of a Transcript of Records from your partner university either before your departure or later by mail. So don't forget to take care of issuing the Transcript of Records and upload it on Mobility Online immediately after you receive it.
After your return, submit this Transcript of Records, which shows all the work you have completed during your stay at the partner university, to your subject coordinator or the Examinations Office together with your application for recognition, and also upload it to Mobility Online. The following applies to the accreditation of study and examination achievements gained at a university abroad: Study and examination achievements gained at a university abroad are generally accredited. Recognition can only be denied:
if there is a substantial difference to the course or examination for which recognition is to be granted,
if recognition is to be granted for a course of study or examination for which an examination right already exists at the University of Koblenz, which has already been passed or which has already been recognised for the same course of study at the University of Koblenz,
if more than two thirds of the performances to be achieved for the degree programme at the University of Koblenz are to be recognised, in the case of modularised degree programmes in relation to credit points.
If the recognition is rejected, the respective authority of the University of Koblenz must give reasons for the rejection.
Conversion of grades from abroad: Please contact your subject coordinator for this.
You also have to upload a copy of proof of recognition (usually the KLIPS printout) to MoveOn, which shows which achievements abroad have been recognised.
The study period abroad can also be listed in theDiploma Supplement*. You must apply for the corresponding entry in the Diploma Supplement at the International Relations Office.
*The Diploma Supplement is a supplement to the Bachelor's or Master's degree certificate, which contains additional information about study content, course of studies, etc. in a standardised form. Further information on this can be obtained from the International Relations Office.
Preparational Steps
You can find helpful advice and important things to remember here.
ERASMUS+ Certificate
For submission to various offices and institutions, you will need certificates of your participation in the ERASMUS+ programme in German, e.g. for applying for a semester off, applying for BAföG abroad, for submission to insurance companies or the child benefit office, and in English for submission to the host country.
The ERASMUS+ certificate of participation in German and English will be issued by the International Relations Office and sent to you.
As soon as the International Relations Office at your partner university has been informed and you have received an official acceptance letter from them, you should look for suitable accommodation. Many partner universities provide relevant information on their websites. In some cases, you will also receive this information by e-mail. Some partner universities have their own contingent of places in student halls of residence for ERASMUS+ students, while other partner universities do not - this is where your initiative is needed! Become active yourself early on and find out about the housing situation at your partner university.
-> Is there only a private housing market or are there also student halls of residence?
-> Who or where do you have to apply for a room in a hall of residence?
-> If your partner university has a hall of residence, can you possibly reserve a place when you apply?
You can usually obtain information and the necessary application forms from the homepage of your partner university (please see below).
Please note that, especially in the case of university-owned halls of residence, the limited number of rooms is usually allocated on a "first come, first served" basis. There is an acute shortage of accommodation in large cities and also in most Scandinavian cities! Therefore, early registration is absolutely necessary and possible deadlines must be strictly adhered to.
Please note: In contrast to Germany, the dormitories at foreign universities are usually not subsidised and are therefore not automatically the cheapest accommodation!
Room exchange service
You can find "international student-to-student housing arrangements" at Erasmate, among others.
Since international ERASMUS+ students often have great problems finding a room in Koblenz, ERASMUS+ students should, if possible, offer their room for sub-lease. Our International Relations Office will help you to arrange your room for subletting.
Health and other Insurances
Health insurance
Before you leave, clarify whether and to what extent your health insurance is valid abroad. Students who do not have private health insurance will receive a European Health Insurance Card from their health insurance company for stays in EU countries and those countries with which Germany has concluded a social security agreement. This card generally guarantees the same insurance coverage in the European host country as domestic students are entitled to. This may differ from what you are used to in Germany.
However, the coverage provided by the European Health Insurance Card or private insurance is usually insufficient, especially if you need to be transported home or undergo special medical procedures. For such cases, especially transport home, supplementary private insurance should be considered.
Therefore, enquire with your German health insurance company about the reimbursement of services provided abroad and, if in doubt, arrange additional health insurance abroad.
Turkey has special requirements for health insurance.
Other insurances (liability and accident insurance)
Please note that during your stay abroad, you are not insured through the University of Koblenz for accidents that occur on your way between the host university/institution and your home as well as on the grounds of the host university/institution. Therefore, please check with your host university/institution whether you are covered by accident insurance there, especially if you are not enrolled as a visiting student, for example. If you do not have accident insurance through the host university/institution, you should arrange for sufficient insurance cover privately.
In general, it is recommended that you also have the following insurances in addition to health insurance:
Liability insurance with international cover
Accident insurance with protection abroad
As an ERASMUS+ student, you can sign up for combined health, accident and private liability insurance, e.g. via the DAAD.
No insurance cover is associated with an ERASMUS+ mobility grant. Neither the European Commission nor the DAAD as National Agency nor the home university are liable for any damage resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss of or damage to property in connection with ERASMUS+ stays abroad.
Therefore, you are obliged to provide yourself with sufficient insurance cover (especially health insurance abroad; we also recommend accident insurance and liability insurance) and to inform yourself about the requirements in the host country. Please clarify your foreign insurance cover with your insurance company and take out additional foreign insurance if necessary. Depending on your health insurance, some rates are valid within EU countries (see Annex IV to the Grant Agreement).
Note: Sufficient health insurance abroad is often a condition for enrolment at a foreign university.
Suspensions / Immatriculation
During your stay abroad, you will remain enrolled at the University of Koblenz. Please ensure that you re-register on time. Please clarify any questions with the Students' Registration Office.
According to the ERASMUS+ contract, we require proof of your enrolment at our university. Students please submit the certificate of enrolment to the International Relations Office or upload it on MoveOn.
If you are going abroad from August/September onwards, please hand in your certificate of enrolment for the winter semester. If you are starting your stay abroad from January/February onwards, please hand in your certificate of enrolment for the summer semester.
If you are to take a leave of absence for the duration of your stay abroad, your achievements abroad cannot be recognised according to the university's current framework regulations. We therefore advise you not to take a leave of absence!
Intercultural preparation
Outgoing meets incoming: get to know international incoming students at the University of Koblenz University - e.g. in the buddy programme. Are you still interested in making contact with international students after your return? Have you yourself benefited from a buddy programme at your host university and would now like to help ERASMUS+ incoming and international students find their way back during their first time at our university? Or do you simply enjoy meeting new people from all over the world? Then why not register as a buddy for international students? Information is available from the staff of the International Relations Office.
The International Relations Office invites all participants in the ERASMUS+ programme to an ERASMUS+ preparation meeting in the summer semester. There you will receive organisational tips on the ERASMUS+ programme.
Information on countries and experience reports
Experience reports from former ERASMUS students at the University of Koblenz
3. Current enrolment certificate from the University of Koblenz.
Documents/Links during your Stay Abroad
1. Arrival/Confirmation Period of Study: Immediately after your arrival at the partner university, have your arrival confirmed and upload it to Mobility Online. 2. If necessary, make changes to your Digital Learnging Agreement via Mobility Online and have them approved by the sending and the receiving insitution within the first for four weeks of your mobility. 3. If necessary, apply for an extension from 1 to 2 semesters (by email to the International Relations Office) Deadline: 30.11. 4. Departure/Confirmation Period of Study: in the last week (not earlier!) before the end of your study period abroad, have the partner university issue you a certificate with exact details and upload it to Mobility Online.
Documents/Links after your Stay Abroad
(If not already done), upload the amended Learning Agreement online within 4 weeks after the end of the stay abroad.
The EU Survey is collected by the EU Commission via its Mobility Tool for ERASMUS+. You will receive an email from the Commission inviting you to complete the EU Survey online questionnaire. Instructions on how to complete the EU Survey can be found here.
Take the EU online language test (2nd test) Exception: If the result C2 was achieved in the 1st OLS language test, a 2nd OLS language test does not have to be taken again.
Upload your Transcript of Records of the partner university/receiving institution (can be replaced by a document from the partner university) to Mobility Online.
Upload the Certificate of Recognition (e.g. KLIPS printout) incl. supplement to the Certificate of Recognition to Mobility Online immediately after receipt, but no later than 3 months after the end of the stay.
ERASMUS+ Partner Universities of the University of Koblenz
Partner Universities FB1: Educational Sciences
Institute of Primary Education
Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg Dr. Wiebke Lohfeld, Primary Education, English/French (B1 - B2)
University of Oviedo, Spain Prof. Dr. Peter Quirmbach, Chemistry, Spanish/English (k.A.)
Department of Physical Education
Universidade da Coruna, Spain Prof. Dr. Reiner Theis, Physical Education, Spanish/English (B2)
Universidad de Vigo, Spanien Prof. Dr. Reiner Theis, Physical Education, Spanish/English (B2)
Department of Mathematics
Partner Universities FB4: Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science maintains its own homepage where students of the department can find all the necessary information about staying at an ERASMUS partner university.
The ERASMUS partner universities of the Department of Computer Science are listed here, as well as information on which degree programmes and which study phase the contracts have been signed for.
Dr. Wechselberger, who is also the contact person for Erasmus+ in Department 4, is responsible for all partnerships.