ERASMUS+ is the European Union's programme for education, youth and sport. The aim of the ERASMUS+ programme is the academic and cultural exchange between students from Europe. In the process, both academic and linguistic as well as intercultural competences and skills are acquired.

The University of Koblenz has successfully applied to participate in ERASMUS+ and has concluded bilateral, subject-related ERASMUS agreements with around 80 universities. This gives students at the University of Koblenz the opportunity to complete an ERASMUS+ term at one of the partner universities.

In December 2020, the then University of Koblenz-Landau was awarded the new ERASMUS Charter (ECHE 2021-2027). Together with the ERASMUS Declaration on Higher Education Policy 2021-2027, this forms the basis for all actions under the ERASMUS+ programme in the years 2021 to 2022.

Liability Clause
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects only the author's personal opinion and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

General Information

All information listed below is taken from the ERASMUS+ guide which is issued by the DAAD to German universities participating in the ERASMUS+ programme. Further, information below also comprises of the ERASMUS+ charter and the University of Koblenz' experience of implementing the programme over many years.


All German and international students enrolled at the University of Koblenz who have completed their 1st year of study can participate in the ERASMUS+ programme. The application procedure generally runs via the departments and the ONLINE procedure.

When applying, please note that the semester times at the partner universities may differ from the semester times at the University of Koblenz and that there may be overlaps.

Financial Support for Erasmus+ Study Programmes

If you have successfully applied for an ERASMUS+ stay for studies (SMS, student mobility for studies), you will receive a monthly funding rate based on the destination country of the selected partner university:

Language Skills

If you want to study abroad successfully, you need to have a good knowledge of the foreign language.

For this reason, we recommend that you prepare yourself linguistically for your stay abroad before you apply, but at the latest from the time of your application. You can find out which language skills are recommended or sometimes required by the respective university in the list of ERASMUS partner universities at the end of this website. Please note that some partner universities require a certain certificate (e.g. TOEFL test), which you should take care of early on.

Information on the respective language courses and funding opportunities can be obtained from the International Relations Office.

Some foreign universities also offer language courses before the semester begins and/or during the semester. Please check the websites of the respective universities for more information.

Recognition of academic credits

Studying abroad is always associated with the central question of whether and to what extent the study and examination credits obtained abroad will be recognised at the University of Koblenz upon your return. Therefore, it is important that you clarify this question with your ERASMUS+ subject coordinator and/or subject advisor as well as the responsible examination office before you leave and create a so-called Learning Agreement for Studies. After your stay abroad, you can then apply for recognition of the academic achievements gained abroad at your responsible examination office/committee by presenting your Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records.

At the University of Koblenz, the recognition of credits obtained abroad is generally based on ECTS, the examination regulations and in accordance with the Lisbon Convention on Recognition.

The ERASMUS+ programme provides for full academic recognition of achievements successfully completed abroad. All higher education institutions participating in the programme have committed themselves to this by recognising the ERASMUS+ Charter. The Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records are important foundations for this. Only courses that were agreed upon in the Learning Agreement and that are documented in the Transcript of Records can be recognised. This means that the courses listed in the Learning Agreement must correspond to those in the Transcript of Records. It may be necessary to submit a revised Learning Agreement for this purpose.

The University Examination Office provides information and offers advice with regard to the exam regulations. Furthermore, they are your contact persons for the recognition of previously completed periods of study, coursework and examinations.

Preparational Steps

You can find helpful advice and important things to remember here.

Downloads for the ERASMUS+ programme (forms, information sheets)

ERASMUS+ Partner Universities of the University of Koblenz