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Your way to the FIT4SukCESS Certificate

The project FIT4SukCESS at the University of Koblenz supports you as an international STEM-student (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) throughout your degree programme. The aim of the project is to make it easier for you to start your studies and transition into the regional labour market. This is not just about academic preparation, but also about your professional integration.

Even before you start your studies, you have the opportunity to prepare for your degree programme and your life in Germany, learn more about Koblenz and gain valuable insights in the university online. During your studies, we offer you various support services to help you settle in quickly and successfully launch your career in the region. The project is funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and organised in close cooperation between the International Relations Office (IRO) and the Interdisciplinary Career and Study Centre (IKaruS).

A special offer is the FIT4SukCESS Certificate which you can acquire during your studies. It consists of four modules: Preparation for studies, academic success, employability and integration into the labour market. With this certificate, you will further develop your professional, linguistic and interdisciplinary competences and thus improve your chances on the labour market.


The deadline for the summer semester 2025 has already expired. For students in the winter semester 2025/26, there will be a new application deadline for the winter cohort later in the year. The deadline will be published on this page and announced as part of the onboarding process.

Module overview

A new cohort starts each semester, each with its own application deadline. The modules can be completed over the entire duration of your Master's degree, and the order in which they are completed does not matter, although module 1 can only be started with before you come to Koblenz.

Notice: If there are spare seats in the courses, you can also take advantage of the courses without participating in the certificate program.

Module 1: Preparation for Studies
The module “Preparation for Studies” supports you with the Online Preparation Tool and individual counselling to help you prepare for your studies in Germany. The aim is to give you a smooth start to your studies and valuable insights into life in Koblenz so that you are well prepared.
Module 2: Study Success
The module "Study Success" helps you to develop the skills you need to study successfully at the University of Koblenz. With workshops on interdisciplinary skills, language tutorials and social integration events, you will lay a solid foundation for your time at university. The mentoring program helps you to quickly find your feet in everyday student life and successfully complete your studies. The “Study Success” module uses various components to ensure a successful start to your studies at the University of Koblenz, the successful integration of international students and the development of their linguistic, subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills.
Module 3: Employability
A survey of regional companies shows that international applications are often rejected due to a lack of or insufficient knowledge of German and a lack of employability skills. As part of the “Employability” module, you will improve your employability and prepare yourself specifically for the German job market. Through language courses (technical and everyday language) and various workshops that will increase your employability (e.g. Application Training), you will be prepared optimally for your career opportunities in Germany.
Modul 4: Labour Market Integration
By participating in various networking events with regional companies, an Alumni Mentoring Program and individual counselling formats offered by the Career Service of the University of Koblenz, you will receive the best possible support during the final phase of your studies and during your transition into the German job market.