

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Prause

The Economics Research Group is defined less by a common research focus than, in particular, by the courses of study to be taken jointly by its members - the coverage of the subject "Economics (and Work)" in the Bachelor and Master of Education and of the economics content in the Bachelor and Master of Science in Digital Business Management and Business Informatics as well as in the two-subject Bachelor.

As a result, the subject areas of "economics" and "technology science and education" - which have historically been united under the umbrella of one group - largely coexist in teaching and research: the focus within "economics" is on issues such as network economics; in "technology science and education", the focus is on technology didactics.


"On average, algorithms make better management decisions than humans." - A daring thesis that is neither confirmed nor disproved, but in terms of content it depicts the core of my research area.
My research area of "Computational Economics" is based on modeling economic problems as well as simulating these models to optimize economic problems. In this intersection of computer science, economics and management science, methods of machine learning or more generally computational intelligence, agent-based modeling and simulation, as well as business analytics and data science are often used.

My research projects include system and algorithm modeling, simulation design, optimization problems, and practical data science projects in business and management.

Many of my research questions revolve around:

  • how metaheuristics, such as evolutionary algorithms, can be used to find solutions to economic problems,

  • how agent-based modeling and system dynamics can be applied to the fields of industrial economics and strategic management,

  • how serious simulation games can be modeled and implemented in research and education,

  • how analytics and computational methods can provide better decision-making in companies (managerial analytics).



Postal address:

Universität Koblenz |
FB4: Informatik Institut für Management FG Ökonomie
Postfach 201 602
56016 Koblenz

Visitor address:

Universität Koblenz
FG Ökonomie
(IfM) - Gebäude A
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz