


Thank you for your interest in writing your thesis at the RG Media and Service Management.

We have summarized all the information you need in a fact sheet. If you have any questions, please contact Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Krämer.


If you are interested in writing your thesis at our research group, the process below will give you all necessary information. Please note that the thesis has to be written in English.


After a topic has been found in consultation with the supervisors, the student outlines the chosen topic and the procedure of the thesis in an exposé. This should include the research question, the objectives, the research method(s) to be used and the structure of the thesis. Another point is a timetable, which includes the steps of the thesis and its expected time frame. The submission takes place digitally. If the synopsis is accepted, the student is accepted and can start working on the thesis. A template for an exposé can be found in the following section.

Style sheet/template

Final/seminar paper


All further info can be found again in the leaflet here