Finance, Financial Services and e-Finance

Finance, Financial Services and e-Finance

Prof. Dr. Thomas Burkhardt

Welcome to the website of the Research Group on Finance, Financial Services and e-Finance of the Institute for Management at the University of Koblenz. The research group is headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Burkhardt.


  • Value and time optimal portfolio theories

  • Time-related prediction models

  • Correlations between FPTs (First passage Times)

  • Risk measures in the context of savings plans

  • Risk assessment for option positions

  • Decision theory/preference modeling

  • Empirical capital market research, extreme events, capital market efficiencies and inefficiencies



Postal address:

Universität Koblenz | FB4: Informatik Institut für Management FG Finanzierung, Finanzdienstleistungen und E-Finance
Postfach 201 602 56016 Koblenz

Visitor address:

Universität Koblenz
FG Finanzierung, Finanzdienstleistungen und E-Finance (IfM) - Gebäude A
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz