Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
If you want to come to the University of Koblenz from a European university, your exchange will take place within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union. The selection of exchange students is made by the ERASMUS+ coordinator at your home university. If you have been selected, please send the application for admission to the International Relations Office of the University of Koblenz.
Enrolment is done after your arrival at the Student Registrar's Office. When enrolling, you must present proof of health insurance (European Health Insurance Card) and proof of payment of the semester fee. The semester fee is not a tuition fee.
As a participant in the ERASMUS+ programme, you will receive a Letter of Confirmation at the end of your studies with details of the duration of your stay as well as a Transcript of Records with the final grades of your studies.
ERASMUS+ students are selected by the ERASMUS+ coordinator of their home university.
ERASMUS+ Incomings send the application for admission (ERASMUS+ application form)
for the winter semester by 31 May and
for the summer semester by 30 November
to the International Relations Office.
Academic Calendar/Semester Schedule
The academic year is divided into
the winter semester from October to March and
the summer semester from April to September.
Courses take place during the lecture period: from mid-October to the end of February in the winter semester and from mid-April to the end of July in the summer semester.
The lecture-free period - from the end of February to the end of March and from the end of July to the end of September - is reserved for exams, coursework and internships.
Orientation days always take place at the beginning of October and the beginning of April.
Grading System
ECTS Grade | Local Grade | Definition |
A | 1,0 - 1,2 | EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors |
B | 1,3 - 1,5 | VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors |
C | 1,6 - 2,5 | GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors |
D | 2,6 - 3,5 | SATISFACTORY - fair but with significant shortcomings |
E | 3,6 - 4,0 | SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria |
F | 5,0 | FAIL - considerable further work is required |
For more information, please consult the ECTS User's Guide (English version).
Admission to studies does not automatically mean that a room has been arranged. The International Relations Office of the University of Koblenz works together with the student dormitories and supports exchange students in obtaining a place in the dormitory.
The decision about the allocation of places is made by the university domitories on its own responsibility.
Student dormitories in Koblenz:
Studierendenwerk Koblenz
Universitätsstr. 1,
56070 Koblenz
Tel.: 02 61 287-1112 Fax: 02 61 287-1101
Wohnheim der Evangelischen Studierendengemeinde
Lerchenweg 1-3
56075 Koblenz