The recognition of prior credits is regulated in §10 of the mutual BSc/MSc examination regulations of Faculty 4: Computer Science.

Recognition of credits earned at other universities

If you have already completed coursework at a university before starting your studies (e.g. at another university or at the University of Koblenz in another study course), this work must be recognized upon enrolment. This determines in which semester you continue to study. The following applies:

  • Recognition must be carried out once and in full. This means that, as a rule, no credits can be added later in the course of this degree program. If credits for a Bachelor's study course are not recognized, they can be reapplied for recognition in the Master's degree program.
  • In the case of recognition, failed attempts must be recognized in the same way as passed attempts. The following applies: what must be recognized in the case of a pass must also be recognized as a failed attempt in the case of a fail.
  • Relevant for recognition is whether the module content and thus the skills taught are essentially congruent.
  • If you have definitively lost the right to take examinations in a degree program, you must first check whether you are still entitled to take examinations in the degree program you have applied for.

Achievements from a stay abroad

Before a stay abroad, it is advisable or sometimes even necessary to have the recognition of achievements confirmed in advance in the form of a "learning agreement". Further information can be found here.

What needs to be done?

Please complete the recognition form. In the left-hand column, transfer all passed modules from your certificate, on the 2nd page all failed examinations. In the right-hand column, enter the module information for our degree program for which you wish to receive recognition. You can find the best overview of our modules for your degree program in the appendices to the examination regulations here or in Klips here.

We use the following table for the conversion of foreign grades systems.

Please send the required documents to the University Examination Office (or hand them in personally):

  • The completed and signed application form.
  • Extracts from the module handbooks for the modules to be recognized (by email together with the application to the University Examination Office).
  • In case of recognition of prior achievements at a German university: a transcript of records issued by the university showing the grades, credit points (ECTS) and dates of all examinations you have taken at the other university. The documents must also show which module examinations were not passed.
  • When recognizing prior achievements at foreign universities: Proof (certificates, transcripts, etc.) of the work you have completed, including the grades achieved and the number of ECTS credits.