
Since April 1, 2023, theses must be registered electronically, which can only be initiated by students:

Following successful admission to the thesis, students will receive confirmation by e-mail, the completed registration form as a PDF file and - in the case of the electronic submission option - a link via which they can upload the thesis once it has been completed.

Submission date

The submission date is calculated from the registration date plus 6 months (e.g. registration 3.3., submission then 3.9.). If the submission date falls on a public holiday or weekend day, the next working day is the submission date.


The thesis can be submitted in digital or printed form.

Extension of the deadline for submission

Extension due to illness

A medical certificate is required for this, which must be submitted to the Examinations Office in original. The Examination Office will confirm the extension of the deadline to the student and 1st reviewer by email.

Extensions according to §4 (3)

The deadlines within which theses must be submitted can be extended by a maximum of three months. A corresponding application can only be made before the submission deadline and in consultation with the supervising professor.

Extension up to one month: email with old submission date, new submission date and reasons to the University Examination Office and pavorsitzfb4 is automatically considered approved, provided the supervising professor approves the application by means of a confirmation email.

Extension of up to two months: email with old submission date, new submission date and justification to the University Examination Office and to pavorsitzfb4 is considered approved, provided that the supervising professor and the chairperson of the examination board or deputy chairperson approve the request by means of a confirmation email.

Extension up to three months: an application by email to the University Examination Office and to pavorsitzfb4 is also required here with the old submission date, new submission date and reasons. This application must be approved and decided by the examination board. Please bear in mind that the processing time is much longer here, as the committee does not meet at regular intervals. A timely application is therefore essential. A statement from the supervisor is also required here.

Format requirements

The overall content and layout of the title page should correspond to the specifications of the FB4 (see Bachelor and Master as an example). Additional requirements of the supervisors must be met. It is only necessary to submit a CD if this is requested by the supervisors or is required by the principles of scientific practice (backup and storage of primary data).

The Bachelor's/Master's thesis can be written in German or English and must include a summary in German or English.

Declaration and blocking notice

In addition to the declaration, when submitting a printed version it must be stated and signed whether the printed version may be placed in the library. A "No" at this point corresponds to a blocking note. In this case, the copies will be archived and will not be made accessible to anyone other than the reviewers.