Phone: | +49 261 287 - 2792 |
E-Mail: | vongladiss(at) |
Dr.-Ing. Anselm von Gladiß
Medical Image Processing
Medical Image Reconstruction
Master theses
Graph Neural Networks zur Rekonstruktion von Tiefenkarten auf Basis von sparsen Punktwolken
Bachelor theses
Defect voxel identification and interpolation for system matrices in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Cimmino method for image reconstruction in magnetic particle imaging
Reduction of metal artifacts in CT with spectral deconvolution
Automatic measurement data feed for a robot
Theses in progress
U-Net based GAN to improve image reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Classification of WSI with Active Learning
Trajectory analysis in MPI to increase the frame rate
Improved frequency selection for image reconstruction in multi-color MPI
Synthesization of medical images for training data augmentation of classifiers
Semi-automatic annotation of point cloud data
Reconstruction of depth maps based on point clouds
Finished theses
Medical Image Translation Using Deep Learning Methods
Geometric pattern recognition and evaluation of bioprints
Medical Image Registration Using Deep Learning
Automatic error minimization for accurate spatio-temporal localization of moving objects in traffic scenes using multiple 2D camera-based detectors
Medical image processing
Articifial intelligence in medical imaging
External publication platforms
Proof of performance for BAföG
There are currently no regular consultation hours. Please contact me by email. Please attach the completed form 5 and other documents (see below) to the email.
General information
Students who receive BAföG must submit a certificate of achievement to the BAföG office after 4 semesters. To do this, you will need form 5, which certifies the appropriate progress of your studies.
The proof can also be provided voluntarily after the 3rd semester.
Instructions for form 5
Have credit points confirmed by the University Examination Office, if necessary partial module achievements separately by the lecturer
- Fill out form 5 digitally
Please send me an email with
Information on your studies (subject; if applicable, information on subject changes in the teacher training program; for teacher training programs, information on type of school)
- Form 5
Performance overview from the University Examination Office
Letter from the BAföG office (if available).
Criteria for a positive performance record
after the 4th semester:
- B. Sc. and B.A.: 96 ECTS
- B. A. (Pedagogy): 90 ECTS
- B. Ed.: 90 ECTS in total, of which 20 ECTS each in the two subjects and 15 or 17 ECTS in Educational sciences
- B. Ed. (with change of subject): 32 ECTS in the subject, 24 respectively 27 ECTS in Educational sciences
after the 3rd semester:
- B. Sc. and B.A.: 72 ECTS
- B. A. (Pedagogy): 68 ECTS
- B. Ed.: 68 ECTS in total, including 15 ECTS in each of the two subjects and 12 ECTS in Educational sciences
- B. Ed. (with change of subject): 24 ECTS in the subject, 18 ECTS in Educational sciences
Further information
Medical Image Processing
Medical Image Reconstruction
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz