Smart City at the University of Koblenz

The panel discussion during the Smart City Event. Image: adesso / Anastasia Appelgants
The panel discussion during the Smart City Event. Image: adesso / Anastasia Appelgants
The Smart City Event "Digitalization and Smartization?" took place on May 8, 2023 at the University of Koblenz in cooperation with adesso SE. Various stakeholders from the public sector took the opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

The event offered presentations on various topics related to the use of urban data and smart city projects. The focus was on the smart region Mayen-Koblenz.

Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens and Dean Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz welcomed the participants. Afterwards, Tim Cleffmann from DKSR GmbH highlighted the added value for the use of urban data and explained how an open urban data platform works. In doing so, he also addressed the advantages of open source solutions, such as greater transparency and more influence on features and developments. In addition, he wanted the replication of existing solutions to be strengthened. Similar challenges should be expanded with existing solutions instead of developing similar solutions over and over again.

Sebastian Berg from adesso SE addressed the term "smartization" in his presentation. In contrast to digitalization, smartization can be understood as a holistic concept with the goal of improving the quality of life of the urban population. In doing so, he showed typical challenges, such as demographic change, climate change, staff shortages and data sovereignty, as well as possible solutions. Using different application examples from smart regions, added values for municipalities and citizens were made tangible.

Finally, Sonja Gröntgen from the district of Mayen-Koblenz reported on the status quo of the smart region of Mayen-Koblenz and presented the elaborated strategies and projects that are already in the implementation phase. Further projects, such as a regional data room, are to follow in the future and create a basic infrastructure for a reusable municipal data platform that will be reusable for all municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate.

In a panel discussion, all participants were able to exchange ideas and discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise in the implementation projects in the district of Mayen-Koblenz and other smart regions on a technical, economic, ecological and social level.

The Smart City Event offered participants an ideal opportunity to learn about current developments and trends in the field of Smart City and to exchange ideas with other stakeholders. The event thus made a significant contribution to promoting networking and cooperation in the public sector.

Date of publication