Dr Andreas Eul


I have an Olat section for scheduling my office hours. If you want to talk to me, please ask me via email to add you to the Olat section "Exam Inspection Eul", see link above. Needless to say that I am available for any consultation and consolation relating to your studies, not just exam inspection.




Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (language practice and applied linguistics):

  • 50% in the teaching unit Foreign Language Education in Primary School (since 2006, tenured since 2009)
  • 50% in the teaching unit English and American Studies (since 2009, tenured since 2010)


Degrees conferred by the University of Koblenz-Landau (campus Koblenz):

  • Dr. phil. in English studies (linguistics), 2009
  • Magister artium with the main subject English studies and the minor subjects mathematics and physics, 2006
  • 1st state examination for teaching English and mathematics at German upper-intermediate secondary schools, 2005