Work and Travel

A Life-alterning Experience

For a long time, I found myself rolling my eyes whenever people told me that their stay abroad had contributed to their self-development. I never understood what was so life-changing about spending time in a foreign country, and quite honestly, the thought of going abroad all by myself when I had not even experienced living alone scared me endlessly.

And yet, if anyone were to ask me now how my stay abroad was, I would tell them that it was a life-altering experience during which I grew enormously as a person. Ironic, isn't it?

Now, let me tell you a bit about it:

For three months, I stayed in the beautiful capital of Ireland, Dublin. There, I worked as a board member for the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at Dublin City University. The other board members and I organized events for international students, like parties, movie nights, and trips to different cities. It was a truly wonderful time, as I got to experience all the perks of student and campus life without worrying about passing any courses or exams. ;)

Furthermore, due to my work with ESN it was easy to make friends and connections that still last. Moreover, Irish people are very friendly, polite, and have a great sense of humor. To this day, my Irish friends and I keep in touch and meet during the holidays.

What I came to realize is that my stay abroad served as a chance to explore who I was in a place where no one knew me: I could be whoever I wanted to be and experiment with things I had never done before.

I was scared to pick up dancing lessons in Germany?

In Dublin, I signed up for Salsa and Bachata classes, which have become a real hobby ever since.

I was hesitant to talk to strangers or go out by myself?

In Dublin, I went out with many international students, grew more confident about connecting with new people, sharpened my social skills and learned not to be afraid to go out alone.

Now that I am back, my mindset has shifted enormously. After this experience, I have gained the courage to be myself, explore new hobbies and, most importantly, not be afraid of being alone or going up to strangers. Honestly, I cannot wait to pack my suitcases and go abroad again. Life is an adventure, and I want to be part of it. Do you?