Accreditation of the Stay Abroad

Accreditation of the Stay Abroad

Once you have returned to Germany, it is time to have your stay abroad accredited. For this purpose, you need to fill in and submit our stay-abroad form, together with your supporting documentation.

You may find the general form here. This form is for everyone who began their studies as of WS 2021/22. If you commenced your studies prior to WS 2021/22 (i.e. SS 2021 was the last possible semester for enrollment), please use the “old” form.

Together with this form, you need to submit supporting documentation (originals or true facsimiles). A transcript of records (from the host university Registrar’s Office), a letter of recommendation and/or statement of service (from an employer), an apartment lease agreement, a statement for volunteering (from the non-profit organization) or a certificate of participation at a language school are considered highly acceptable. If you made prior arrangements to have courses from the host institution accredited at the University of Koblenz, please submit a copy of this Learning Agreement.

Please keep in mind that the supporting documentation must contain your name, location and dates (not less than 90 days). In addition to the above supporting documentation, the boarding passes for the outbound and return flights, monthly passes for public transport, visa-application approval by foreign government, etc. can also be considered; however, addition documentation may be needed.

Lastly, it is your responsibility to provide documentation. Should your proof be illegible, lost, incomplete, we cannot accept it.

With your proof and stay-abroad form prepared, how should you proceed? You may either see Dr. Fred Thompson in his office hour and hand your application over to him personally, or you can send him and the Sekretariat an email (email addresses are listed on the stay-abroad form) with the necessary information as attachments. If you send an email, please make sure that all attachments (i.e. pdfs) are clearly labelled.