Dr. Anke Lensch





(2022) Review für Linguist List: Akira Okrent (2021) Highly Irregular. Why Tough, Through, and Dough Don't Rhyme—And Other Oddities of the English Language. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

(2022) "Diggers-out, leaf clearer-uppers and stayer-onner-for-nowers: On creativity and extravagance in English -er nominalizations." In: Eitelmann, Matthias & Haumann, Dagmar (eds.) Extravagant Morphology. 73-100. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2020) Onlookers, passers-by, sweeper-uppers, opt-outers and dumber-downerers. A corpus-based study of English -er nominalizations. Promotionsschrift vorgelegt an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Mainz, Universitätsbibliothek. 247 p.

(2019) "Fremde Klasse, fremdes Fach". In: Lernende Schule. Für die Praxis pädagogischer Schulentwicklung 85: 25-28.

(2018) "Fixer-uppers. Reduplication in the derivation of phrasal verbs." In: Finkbeiner, Rita & Ulrike Freywald (eds.) Exact Repetition in Grammar and Discourse, 158-181. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs). Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.

(2017) "Ein kleiner Einblick in die Entstehung des Meensterischen. Die Sprache Münstermaifelds." In: Stiftung Kulturbestitz Münstermaifeld (eds.) Mer schwätze batt off Meensterer Platt. 10-17. Kottenheim, Vulkan Druckerei OHG.



"English and German derivation revisited. A Diachronic Construction Morphology approach to the growing complexity of bases." Online Workshop mit dem Fokus auf Diachronic Construction Morphology organisiert von Muriel Norde (Humboldt Universität Berlin) & Graeme Trousdale (Universität Edinburgh), 04.11.2022.

zusammen mit Jelke Bloem, Universität Amsterdam. "On incoming passers-by and bystanding lookers-on. A quantitative approach to variable particle placement in English particle verbs." 9. Grammar and Corpora Konferenz, 30.06.-02.07.2022 Ghent, Belgien.


"Looking-intoing showy-offy stayer-onner-for-nowers. A corpus-based study into English morpho-syntax.” (online) Paper presented at the ICAME 41, 18.-21.08.2021. Dortmund, Deutschland.

"Isn’t this way (too) early? How way acquired intensifying function.” (online) Paper presented at the ICEHL 21, 7.-11.06.2021. Leiden, Niederlande


"On loners, easy-peelers, diggers-out, leaf clearer-uppers and stayer-onner-for-nowers: Extravagance of -er nominalizations in English." Paper presented at the SLE conference. 21.- 24.08.2019. Leipzig., Deutschland.


"A Construction Grammar approach to onlookers, passersby and cheerer-uppers." Paper presented at the Construction Grammar(s). Methods, Concepts and Applications conference. 16.-20.07.2018. Paris, Université Sourbonne Nouvelle Paris, Frankreich.

"On bringers-out of amiability and humour in others. -er nominalizations of multi-word verbs in English and their arguments." Work in Progress report as part of the Cognitive Linguistics Research Group supervised by Nikolas Gisborne and Graeme Trousdale. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University. 30.11.2018.


"Teaching English in Sri Lanka". Poster presented at the Workshop "Interkulturelle Kompetenz an der JGU". Dezember 18, 2017. University of Mainz, Germany. (download via: http://www.glk.uni-mainz.de/weitere-veranstaltungen.php.

"By-standers, hangers-on and messer-uppers: Diachronic gradularity and synchronic gradience in -er nominalizations of phrasal verbs in English." Paper presented at the Workshop on Gradience and Constructional Change. 18.-19.11.2017, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

"Sweeper-uppers are no bystanders. Structural complexity in nominalizations of phrasal verbs." Paper presented at the 7th BICLCE, 28. - 30.09.2017, Vigo, Spanien.

"Verrät unsere Sprache unser Geschlecht?" Presentation in the inter-disciplinary lecture series Lunch Lectures. Denkanstöße - Food for Thought. 27.06.2017, University of Mainz, Deutschland.

"Women and men's use of causal and concessive clauses. A case of change in progress?" Guest lecture in a Colloquium on Language and Gender - Sprache und Geschlecht. 19.06.2017, University of Bremen, Deutschland.


"The emergence of runner-ups and fixer-uppers. The constructionalization of a word-formation pattern." Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL), 22.-26.08.2016. Essen, Deutschland.

"Agentivity in Nominalizations of Phrasal Verbs. On Passers-by and Winder-uppers." Paper presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), 24.-26.02.2016. Konstanz, Deutschland.


"A quick fixer-upper of English Word-Formation. Reduplication in Derivation". Paper presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), 3-6.03. 2015. Leipzig, Deutschland.