Ph. D. Zahra Arzjani


Büro G 117
nach Vereinbarung





Objectives and Major Interests

  • Migration and Integration
  • Economic Geography
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS),Web GIS, QGIS,SNAP
  • Economic Development and Sustainable Development
  • Applied Geography,Spatial Analysis



Ausbildung und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

seit 10/2020

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Humangeographie), Universität Koblenz-Landau (Campus Koblenz), Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Geographie

2003 – 2007

Promotion, University of Pune (Indien)

Thema: „Role of Sugar Factory in the Transformation of the Rural Economy - A Comparative Study of Sugar Factories in Iran and India“

Abschluss: Ph.D. (Economic Geography and Rural Planning) 

1995 – 1998

Studium Stadtplanung, Islamische Azad Universität, Najaf-Abadad (Iran)

Geographische Fakultät 

Abschluss: Master of Science (Urban und Rural Planning)

1988 – 1991

Studium Geographie an der Isfahan Universität (Iran)

Abschluss: Bachelor of Science (Natural und Human)

Schulabschluss: Abitur

Berufliche Tätigkeit

07/2014 – 11/2014

Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt zur Landschaftsplanung, Teheran (Iran)

05/2008 – 06/2014 

Dozentin für Geographie, Islamische Azad Universität, Teheran (Iran)

04/1991 – 06/1995

Projektleiterin, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung

Abteilung: Sozialökonomie, Müncheberg

1992 – 2003

Lehrkraft für Geographie am Gymnasium


Fort- und Weiterbildung 


02/2022                                                           Land Use &Land Cover  & Change Detection by QGIS ,Udemy

02/2020 - 06/2020

Geoinformationssysteme (ArcGIS, QGIS Webmapping)

Cimdata Bildungsakademie, Essen


Teilnahme am Seminar "Mitwirken Kann Jede*r”

Landesbüro der Naturschutzverbände NRW, Oberhausen


Teilnahme am Workshop "Plastik Sparen im Alltag"

BUND, Essen


Teilnahme am Projekt "Kompetenzzentrum für Neuzugewanderte"

Weststadt-Akademie, Essen




  1. .Zahra Arzjani, Role of Sugar Factory in the Transformation of the RuralEconomy, Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG, ISBN-10: 3838348249, ISBN-13: 9783838348247, pages: 244, April 2010. Language: English, .
  2. Zahra Arzjani, Iranian Women from Different Perspectives: Publisher: Author House UK Publishing England ISBN-10: 1481795643 -ISBN-13: 978-1481795647, pages: 202, July 2013. Language: English, (available from

Book Chapter

  • A Rural Spatial Planning of the Scattered Cities of  Shoosh,  Shooshtar, and Ahwaz in Iran, Government Publication, 1998.

Book Translation

  • Arzjani,Z (2012): World Geography, Ministry of Defense. Government Publication, 102pp. (Translated English to Persian).


  • Arzjani,Z. (2024 ):Increasing Motivation of Iranian Students to Continue Education in Germany. Challenges and Opportunities in Academia .Technium Social Sciences Journal(ISSN: 2668-7798).
  • Arzjani,Z. (2015: submitted ):Energy efficiency analysis of sugarcane company in Iran(case study:Mirza Kochik Khan company in Khuzestan Province) .Energy Economics journal .
  • Arzjani,Z. (2014: accepted ):Energy efficiency analysis of sugar beet cultivation in Iran .Research on crop 16,No.1.
  • Arzjani Z , Salehi KH .The Role of Small Industrial Enterprises inRural Women Employment: Farmihan Rural District-Tafresh Small Provice, Iran. Rev. Roum. Géogr./Rom. Journ. Geogr. 2014; 58, (1): 73–77, Bucureşti. 
  • Salehi KH, Arzjani Z. The site selection emergency safe accommodation in natural disaster (earthquake) Case Study: Tehran, district 4, The first Congress and Education and Social Harms, Tehran, June 2014. 
  • Salehi KH , Arzjani Z, Assessment of Rural District Council's Performance in Rural Management, Suleghan Rural District, Tehran City) advances in   Environmental Biology, June 2014; 8(10): 598-602.
  • Khoshkam M, Arzjani Z. Wetland Capabilities in Enhancing Wetland Tourism in Gandoman, Iran’’, Wit press Journal 2014.
  • Majdi H, Arzjani Z. The Comparison of Level of Stress Between Students With Parents and Those Without Parents  IJMRR journal, Jan 2014; 4(1) ISSN: 2249-7196.
  • Asadian F, Arzjani Z. A Study on Geomorphic Processes and Forms and Groundwater Resources with Using RS-GIS'' Life Science journal  2013/10(6s).China. 
  • Arzjani Z, Zarei M. Effect of Tourism Sources and Attractions of Old VillagesOn  Tourist Attraction(Case Study: Kang village in Khorasan Razavi ,Iran) Bio-Resource and Stress Mangement Journal, March 2013.New Dehli.
  • Rastegarnasab G, Kunjaya C, Majdi, H, Arzjani Z. Studying Gravitational Perturbations of Planet Venus by timing of Contacts during Venus Transit Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences .Aug 2013; 7 (8):673. 
  • Fahtemi M, Arzjani Z. QuantitativeAnalysis of the Effect of Karun Agro-Industry on  the developments surrounding villages (Case Study: Sardarabad district) Bio-Resource and Stress Mangement Journal,, June 2012.New Dehli. 
  • Varavipour M , Arzjani Z .Environmental remediation of contaminated soil with petroleum products in Esmailabad region of Iran,Research on crops  Journal,ISI  2012; 13 (1)
  • Farajnejad S, Arzjani Z. Evaluating the realization rate of objectives of rural pilot plans in villages in Iran (Case study : Ghale Kohane village in Saghes city). Bio-Resource and Stress Mangement Journal, March 2012;New Dehli.
  • Varavipour M, Asadi T.Arzjani z.The Application of Cs-137 Method in Calculating Erosion and Soil Sediment in Taseran Watershed (Kabodar Ahang). Environmental Technology journal.2011; No 1. 
  • Arzjani Z ,Asadian F. Analysis of the Effect of Landslides on the Microenvironment in Iran (A case Study :Lityan Basin) Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, December, 2011.
  • RahiminejadV,Arzjani Z.Divorce in Iran and Western Countries relates to humanities, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering,ISSN 1934-8932, USA,2011.
  • Arzjani Z, Rahiminezhad V. Rural Women and their Role in Tourism. Journal IJBSM,. 2011; 2(4).
  • Asadian F, Arzjani Z. Changes of Microenvironment Gilan City due to Landslides, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Science, Romani Journal ISI.2010.
  • ArbabiA, Arzjani Z.:Studying Effective Processes in Flood Outburst With Flood Using SCS Method and Geographical Information System (GIS), Case Study of Qal’e Chaay District, Research on Crops Journal, ISI, 2010; 11( 3.
  • Arzjani Z, Frajnejad S. On Local Architecture of Villages: A Case Study of the Amirkola Village,” Journal IJBSM, 2010 1(3). 
  • Arbabi A, Z.Arzjani .Tehran Megacity Analyzed Using Population and Climate Change, Journal IJBSM, vol. 1, no. 1, Jun. 2010.
  • RahiminezhadV, Arzjani Z. Role of Environmental Education in Iran With the Use of Other Countries’ Experience, Research on Crops Journal, ISI, 2010; 11(3). 
  • Varavipoor M, Arzjani Z. Relationship Between the Physio– Chemical Properties and Different Type of Erosion on Maral Soils South of Tehran, Iran. Asian Journal of Chemistry,ISI, 2010; 22( 7).
  • Arzjani Z, Farjnejad S. Factors Affecting Acceptance and Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Villages Abad Century, Golestan Province,. Quarterly Journal of the Geography, 2010; 4( 9).
  • ArzjaniZ. Rural Women Participation in Sustainable Agriculture in Iran, Research on Crops Journal, ISI, 2010; 11(3).
  • Najmi S,Arzjani Z. Role of Agriculture in Lavasan Area, Iran,” Quarterly Journal of the Geography, 2010; 4( 9).
  • Asadian F,Arzjani Z. Investigation of water exchange equations between river and aquifer, using SEEP/W code and physical model in steady condition; Research on Crops Journal, ISI, 2010; 11( 3).
  • Farjnejad S,Arzjani Z. Environment and Organizing Villages With Emphasis on Tourism–Case Study of Malqe and Goli Village,” Journal Economics Affairs, Jun. 2010.
  • Najmi S,Arzjani Z. The Role of the Shemirant's Production System in Redistributing in Land Use-A Case Study in Iran,” International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology (IJAEB), Mar. 2010, Delhi
  • Akbari M ,Arzjani Z. Morphological Characteristics of Qanats in Iran: Suburb of the Boushehr City-A Case Study,” International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology (IJAEB) 2009;2(3), Delhi.
  • Arzjani Z, Ahmadi M,AsadianF. Water Resource Planning in Desert Areas Using Operational Research Approaches (A Case Study of Halvan Region, Yazd, Iran), Research on Crops Journal,ISI,. 2009;10(3).
  • Arzjani Z. A Comparative Study of the Role of Sugar Factory on the Cropping Pattern: A Case Study of Malegon Factory (India ), Karan Agro Industry (Iran) Command Area, Journal of Economics Affairs,. 2009.
  • Sadi T,Arzjani Z. Studying the Effects of ENSO on Precipitation Based on ONI (Case study for the region of Shahr-e-Kord in Iran), Research on Crops Journal, ISI 2009;10(3).
  • Zanganehe Shahraki S,Arzjani Z. The impacts of Urban Physical Development on Agricultural and Garden Land Use (Tehran city),” Crop Research Journal, ISI, 2009.
  • Arzjani Z, Datye V. S. Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Sugar Factory on the Cropping Pattern Changes: A Case Study Through the Karun Agro-Industry (Iran). Journal of Agriculture & Environment Bio-Technology, Mar. 2009.
  • Arzjani Z, Datye V. S.The Role of Sugar Factory on the Cropping Pattern Changes: A Case Study Through the Malegaon Sugar Factory (Maharashtra), Journal on Agriculture, Environment and Bio Technology, 2008; 2(1): pp: 9-13, New Delhi Publication,
  • Arzjani Z,MoghimiS.Effectivenessof Environmental Education, Iranian Journal of Geography, No. 1, 2008
  • ArzjaniZ.Significance and Role of Small and Medium Enterprise in Iran,” Iranian Journal of JAUCTB, 2008; 2(5).
  • Arzjani Z.Problems of Closed Up Sugar Factories in Dezful in Iran, Specialist Magazine of Shekarshekan, Jan 2006 ; 46-47.
  • Arzjani Z. Cultivation of Sugarcane in Iran, Iranian Journal on Landscape of Geography, 2003; No. 1: 10-15.

Conferences Participated/Involved 

  • Arzjani Z. Possibility Measurement of Tourism Activities and its Especial Distribution in Typical Tourist by using GIS. Case study: Miankale Peninsula Region in Iran , at the WEI Eurasian Academic Conference in Antalya 2014.
  • Arzjani Z. The role of Rural women in Economic Management, The first Congress and Education and Social Harms, Tehran, June 2014.
  • Arzjani Z.The site selection emergency safe accommodation in natural disaster (earthquake) Case Study: Tehran, district 4 The first Congress and Education and Social Harms, Tehran, June 2014.
  • Arzjani Z. Analyze and evaluate the impact of agro-Industry in Rural Areas adjoining with the use of Arthur lewis model,the first International Conferences on  Bio-Resourse and Stress Mangement ,February ,2013.
  • Arzjani Z. Divorce in Iran and Western Countries, the first International conferenceson Bio-Resourse and Stress Mangement,February ,2013.
  • Arzjani Z. Role of the industrial workstations in the rural women employment(Case study:Farmihan rural district-Tafresh small province) the first International  conferences on Bio-Resourse and Stress Mangement,February ,2013.
  • Arzjani Z. Development Management and Ecotourism, National Conference on Tourism, Islamsharhr, Tehran.2011.
  • Arzjani Z. Measurement and Modeling the Influence of Rainfall and Relative Humidity on the Long-Term Climate Changes of Tehran Metropolis Using the Scheffe Model. International Conference on Plant, Water, Soil, and Weather Modeling, Dec. 2010, Kerman, Iran.
  • Arzjani Z. The Role of Sugar Factory on the Cropping Pattern Changes: A Case Study Through the Malegaon Sugar Factory (Maharashtra), 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Feb.2009: 4-7, New Delhi, India.
  • Arzjani Z. The Role of Sugar Factory on the Cropping Pattern Changes: A Case Study: Karun Agro-Industry in Iran, 4th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment Conference (ICCE), Jan. 2009, Thailand.
  • Arzjani Z. The Application of Linear Planning in Water Resource Management in Desert Area-A Case Study of Halvan, Yazd, Iran, International Conference on Water Resource, Aug. 2009, Shahrood, Iran.
  • Arzjani Z. A Comparison of  Different Procedures of Geostatic in the Study of Place Changes of the Level of Underground Water by GIS–A Case Study Hamedan Province, Iran, International Conference on Water Resource, Aug. 2009, Shahrood, Iran.
  • Arzjani Z. “The Decline of Agriculture Land Use in Tehran: A Study Using Satellite Imagery and GIS,” Indian Geographers Meet Institute of Indian Geographers, Feb 2009:20-22.
  • Arzjani Z.On the Strategic Basis for Designing of Proportional Sustainable Tourism Modeling (PSTM), Indian Geographers Meet Institute of Indian Geographers, Feb. 2009 .
  • Arzjani Z.A Comparative Study of the Impact of Sugar Factory on the Cropping Pattern: A Case Study of Malegaon Factory (India) and Karun Agro-Industry (Iran) Command Areas, Indian Geographers Meet Institute of Indian Geographers, 2009.
  • Arzjani Z .Participating the National Conference Transport and Tourism Development, Department of Geography, University of Pune, Mar. 19, 2006.
  • Arzjani Z .Receiving an honor certificate for cooperation and involvement in the discussions and debates in the Educational Leadership Curriculum Construction and Technology Conference for Educational Leaders, Spicer Memorial College, Pune, India, Feb. 26, 2006.
  • Arzjani Z. Sugarcane Versus Sugar Beet in Iran, International Scientific Experiences (ISE) Iran and India, University of Pune, India, 2006; 20: 40.
  • Arzjani Z. The Status of Women in Employment in Iran,” A Seminar in the National Conference Modern Women: Progress and Problems, University of Pune.2006: 32.




  • Seminar Case Study Human and Environment
  • Forschungspraktikum Case Study Human and Environment
  • Seminar: Case Study Regional Development
  • Forschungspraktikum: Case Study Regional Development
  • Übung: Fernerkundung und GIS
  • Kartographie
  • Raumanalyse(BioGeo)
  • Geographische Projektstudie:Humangeographie(2 Geländetage)


Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften
Abteilung Geographie
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz



Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Zahra Arzjani, Ph.D. 

\r\nAusbildung und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang\r\n

seit 10/2020

\r\nWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Humangeographie), Universität Koblenz-Landau (Campus Koblenz), Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Geographie\r\n

2003 – 2007

\r\nPromotion, University of Pune (Indien)\r\nThema: „Role of Sugar Factory in the Transformation of the Rural Economy - A Comparative Study of Sugar Factories in Iran and India“\r\nAbschluss: Ph.D. (Economic Geography and Rural Planning) \r\n

1995 – 1998

\r\nStudium Stadtplanung, Islamische Azad Universität, Najaf-Abadad (Iran)\r\nGeographische Fakultät \r\nAbschluss: Master of Science (Urban und Rural Planning)\r\n

1988 – 1991

\r\nStudium Geographie an der Isfahan Universität (Iran)\r\nAbschluss: Bachelor of Science (Natural und Human)\r\n

\r\nSchulabschluss: Abitur\r\n

\r\nBerufliche Tätigkeit\r\n

07/2014 – 11/2014

\r\nMitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt zur Landschaftsplanung, Teheran (Iran)\r\n

05/2008 – 06/2014 

\r\nDozentin für Geographie, Islamische Azad Universität, Teheran (Iran)\r\n

04/1991 – 06/1995

\r\nProjektleiterin, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung\r\nAbteilung: Sozialökonomie, Müncheberg\r\n

1992 – 2003

\r\nLehrkraft für Geographie am Gymnasium\r\n

\r\nFort- und Weiterbildung \r\n

02/2020 - 06/2020

\r\nGeoinformationssysteme (ArcGIS, QGIS Webmapping)\r\nCimdata Bildungsakademie, Essen\r\n


\r\nTeilnahme am Seminar "Mitwirken Kann Jede*r”\r\nLandesbüro der Naturschutzverbände NRW, Oberhausen\r\n


\r\nTeilnahme am Workshop "Plastik Sparen im Alltag"\r\nBUND, Essen\r\n


\r\nTeilnahme am Projekt "Kompetenzzentrum für Neuzugewanderte"\r\nWeststadt-Akademie, Essen\r\n