(Direkt): | +49 261 287-2238 |
Sekretariat: | +49 261 287-2220 |
(FAX): | +49 261 287-100-2238 |
E-Mail: | klausfischer(at)uni-koblenz.de |

Prof. Dr. Klaus Fischer
- Arbeitsbereich
- Curriculum Vitae
- Projekte
- Auszeichnungen und Förderungen
- Publikationen
- Weitere Tätigkeiten
- Anschrift
- Naturschutzbiologie und Biodiversitätsforschung
- Populationsbiologie, Evolutions- und Verhaltensökologie
- Lebenszyklen von Insekten
- Insekten, Vögel, Amphibien
seit 10/2017
Professor für Zoologie, Universität Koblenz-Landau, AG Zoologie
Professor für Tierökologie, Universität Greifswald
Habilitation, Zoologie, Universität Bayreuth
2003 - 2007
Leiter einer Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe der DFG, Universität Bayreuth
2001 - 2003
Postdoc, Evolutionary Biology, Universität Leiden (Prof. P.M. Brakefield), The Netherlands
Promotion, Zoologie, Universität Bayreuth (Prof. K. Fiedler)
Diplom, Biologie, Universität Marburg (Prof. H. Plachter)
$$kollektion /CMS/de/koblenz/fb3/organisation/ifin/ifin-ag-ifin-fb3/ag-fischer-k/projekte projects$$
Seit 2015
Sprecher des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 'RESPONSE' (DFG GRK 2010)
2003 - 2007
Leiter einer Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe der DFG
2001 - 2003
Emmy-Noether-Stipendiat der DFG
Horst-Wiehe-Preis der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG)
1998 - 2000
Promotionsstipendium der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Stipendium "Arten- und Biotopschutz Rheinland-Pfalz" des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz
- Fischer, K. & M. Kirste (in press): Temperature and humidity acclimation increase desiccation resistance in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.
- Fischer, K., Karl, I., Dublon, I.A.N. & T. Kehl (in press): A reply to Nieberding and Holveck: Beyond experimental design and proximate mechanisms - mate choice in the face of sexual conflict. Frontiers in Zoology.
- Klockmann, M. & K. Fischer (2017, in press): Effects of temperature and draught on three species of butterflies: mortality of early life stages as key determinant of vulnerability to climate change? Ecology and Evolution.
- Klockmann, M., Kleinschmidt, R. & K. Fischer (2017, in press): Carried over: Heat stress in the egg stage reduces subsequent performance in a butterfly. PLOS ONE.
- Beaulieu, M., Franke, K. & K. Fischer (2017): Feeding on ripening and over-ripening fruit: interactions between sugar, ethanol and polyphenol contents in a tropical butterfly. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 3127-3134.
- Hoffmann, H., Kleeberg, A., Görn, S. & K. Fischer (2017): Riverine fen restoration provides secondary habitat for endangered and stenotopic rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Insect Conservation and Diversity. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12247.
- Ibler, B. & K. Fischer (2017): Comparative analyses of life-history strategies in Asiatic and African wild asses using a demographical approach. Folia Zoologica 66: 133-146.
- Chidawanyika, F., Nyamukondiwa, K., Strathie, L. & K. Fischer (2017): Effects of thermal regimes, starvation and age on heat tolerance of the Parthenium beetle Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) following dynamic and static protocols. PLOS ONE 12: e0169371. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169371.
- Klockmann, M., Wallmeyer, L. & K. Fischer (2017): Variation in adult stress resistance does not explain vulnerability to climate change in Copper butterflies. Insect Science DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12456.
- Klockmann, K., Günter, F. & K. Fischer (2016): Heat resistance throughout ontogeny: body size constrains thermal tolerance. Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13407.
- Klockmann, K., Karajoli, F., Kuczyk, J., Reimer, S. & K. Fischer (2016): Fitness implications of simulated climate change in three species of Copper butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society DOI: 10.1111/bij.12846.
- Böhm, F. et al. & K. Fischer (2016): Cloud cover but not artificial light pollution affect the morning activity of wood pigeons. Ornis Fennica 93: 246-252.
- Ibler, B. & K. Fischer (2016): Costs of reproduction - a demographical approach to examine life-history trade-offs in two old-world deer species. Mammalian Biology 81: 455-463.
- Klockmann, M., Schröder, U., Karajoli, F. & K. Fischer (2016): Simulating effects of climate change under direct and diapause development in a butterfly. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 158: 60-68.
- Beaulieu, M., Bischofberger, I., Lorenz, I., Scheelen, L. & K. Fischer (2016): Reproducing butterflies do not increase antioxidant intake when they could benefit the most from them. Biology Letters 12: 20150941.
- Hoffmann, H., Michalik, P., Görn, S. & K. Fischer (2016): Effects of fen management and habitat parameters on staphylinid beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) assemblages in north-eastern Germany. Journal of Insect Conservation 20: 129-139.
- Klockmann, M., M. Scharre, M. Haase & K. Fischer (2016): Does narrow niche space in a ‘cold-stenothermic’ spring snail indicate high vulnerability to environmental change? Hydrobiologia 765: 71-83.
- Kehl, T., Dublon, I. & K. Fischer (2015): Young male mating success is associated with sperm number but not with male sex pheromone titres. Frontiers in Zoology 12: 31.
- Beaulieu, M., Gillen, E., Hahn, S., Pape, J.M. & K. Fischer (2015): Behavioural antioxidant strategies to cope with high temperature: a study in a tropical butterfly. Animal Behaviour 109: 89-99.
- Altewischer, A. et al. & K. Fischer (2015): Habitat preferences of the Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) in north-eastern Germany. Acta Ornithologica 50.
- Kehl, T., Beaulieu, M., Kehl, A. & K. Fischer (2015): Old male sex: large ejaculate, many sperm, but few offspring. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 1543-1552.
- Fischer, K., Karl, I., Heuskin, S., Janowitz, S. & S. Dötterl (2015): Kin recognition and inbreeding avoidance in a butterfly. Ethology 121: 1-8.
- Kehl, T., Bensch, J., Böhm, F., Kniepkamp, B.O., Leonhardt, V., Schwieger, S. & K. Fischer (2015): Fat and sassy: factors underlying male mating success in a butterfly. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 155: 257-265.
- Görn, S. & K. Fischer (2015): Measuring the efficiency of fen restoration on carabid beetles and vascular plants: a case study from north-eastern German. Restoration Ecology 23: 413-420.
- Beaulieu, M., Geiger, R.E., Reim, E., Zielke, L. & K. Fischer (2015): Reproduction alters oxidative status when it is traded-off against longevity. Evolution 69: 1786-1796.
- Franke,. K. & K. Fischer (2015): Inbreeding interferes with the heat shock response. Heredity 114: 80-84.
- Fischer, K. et al. (2015): Determinants of tree frog calling ponds in a human-transformed landscape in north-eastern Germany. Ecological Research 30: 439-450. DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1238-y.
- Görn, S., Schulze, F. & K. Fischer (2015): Effects of fen management on bird communities in north-eastern Germany. Journal of Ornithology 156: 287-296.
- Kehl, T., Burmeister, M.F.W.T., Donke, E., Köhn, N.A.K., Metschke, K., Pfender, D., Karl, I. & K. Fischer (2014): Pheromone blend does not explain old male mating advantage in a butterfly. Ethology 120: 1137-1145. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12287.
- Bhattarai, B.R. & K. Fischer (2014): Human-tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) conflict and its perception in Bardia National Park, Nepal. Oryx 48: 522-528.
- Bauerfeind, S.S., Kellermann, V., Moghadam, N.M., Loeschcke, V. & K. Fischer (2014): Temperature and photoperiod affect stress resistance traits in Drosophila melanogaster. Physiological Entomology 39: 237-246.
- Karl, I., Becker, M., Hinzke, T., Mielke, M., Schiffler, M. & K. Fischer (2014): Interactive effects of acclimation temperature and short-time stress exposure on resistance traits in a butterfly. Physiological Entomology 39: 222-228.
- Fischer, K., Klockmann, M. & E. Reim (2014): Strong negative effects of simulated heat waves in a tropical butterfly. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2892-2898.
- Franke, K., Heitmann, N., Tobner, A. & K. Fischer (2014): Fitness costs associated with different frequencies and magnitudes of temperature change in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Journal of Thermal Biology 41: 88-94.
- Fischer, K., Schubert. E. & J. Limberg (2014): Caught in a trap: How to preserve a post-glacial relict species in secondary habitats? Pp. 217-229. In: Habel JC, Meyer M, Schmitt, T (eds): Jewels in the mist – a biological synopsis on the endangered butterfly Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Praha.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2014): Integrating temperature and nutrition – environmental impacts on an insect immune System. Journal of Insect Physiology 64: 14-20.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2014): Simulating climate change: temperature extremes but not means diminish performance in a widespread butterfly. Population Ecology 56: 239-250.
- Görn, S., Dobner, B., Suchanek, A. & K. Fischer (2014): Assessing human impact on fen biodiversity: effects of different management regimes on butterfly, grasshopper, and carabid beetle assemblages. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 309-326.
- Ibler, B., Michalik, P. & K. Fischer (2013): Factors affecting lifespan in bird-eating spiders (Arachnida: Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae) - a multi-species approach. Zoologischer Anzeiger 253: 126-136.
- Takahiro, I., Morimoto, N. & K. Fischer (2013): Higher calcification costs at lower temperatures do not break the temperature-size rule in an intertidal gastropod with determinate growth. Marine Biology 160: 2619-2629.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2013): Increased temperature reduces herbivore host-plant quality. Global Change Biology 19: 3272-3282.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2013): Targeting the right trait: the relative suitability of a host plant depends on the herbivore trait considered and ambient temperature. Basic and Applied Ecology 14: 555-564.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2013): Testing the plant stress hypothesis: stressed plants offer better food to an insect herbivore. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 149: 148-158.
- Piesk, M., Karl., I., Franke, K. & K. Fischer (2013): High larval density does not induce a prophylactic immune response in a butterfly. Ecological Entomology 38: 346-354.
- Kehl, T., Karl, I. & K. Fischer (2013): Old male paternity advantage is a function of accumulating sperm and last male precedence in a butterfly. Molecular Ecology 22: 4289-4297.
- Karl, I., Stoks, R., Bauerfeind, S.S., Dierks, A., Franke, K. & K. Fischer (2013): No trade-off between growth rate and temperature stress resistance in four insect species. Plos One 8: e62434.
- Karl, I., Heuskin, S. & K. Fischer (2013): Dissecting the mechanisms underlying old male mating advantage in a butterfly. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 837-849.
- Fischer, K., Busch, R., Fahl, G., Kunz, M. & M. Knopf (2013): Habitat preferences and breeding success of Whinchats (Saxicola rubetra) in the Westerwald mountain range. Journal of Ornithology 154: 339-349.
- Franke, K. & K. Fischer (2013): Effects of inbreeding and temperature stress on life history and immune function in a butterfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 517-528.
- Karl, I. & K. Fischer (2013): Old male mating advantage results from sexual conflict in a butterfly. Animal Behaviour 85: 143-149.
- Franke, K., Dierks, A. & K. Fischer (2012): Directional selection on cold tolerance does not constrain plastic capacity in a butterfly. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 235.
- Dierks, A., Kölzow, N., Franke, K. & K. Fischer (2012): Does selection on increased cold tolerance in the adult stage confer resistance throughout development? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1650-1657.
- Janowitz, S.A. & K. Fischer (2012): Polyandry in Bicyclus anynana butterflies results from sexual conflict over mating. Ethology 118: 1140-1148.
- Ortlieb, F., Dunst, A., Mundt, F., Blindow, I. & K. Fischer (2012): Bissverletzungen durch Kreuzottern (Vipera berus) auf der Insel Hiddensee (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) in den Jahren 2003 bis 2009. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 19: 165-174.
- Dierks, A., Baumann, B. & K. Fischer (2012): Response to selection on cold tolerance is constrained by inbreeding. Evolution 66: 2384-2398.
- Kehl, T. & K. Fischer (2012): Larval starvation reduces responsiveness to feeding stimuli and does not affect feeding preferences in a butterfly. Journal of Insect Physiology 58: 1028-1035.
- Fischer, K., Liniek, S., Bauer, M., Baumann, B., Richter, S. & A. Dierks (2012): Phenotypic plasticity in temperature stress resistance is triggered by photoperiod in a fly. Evolutionary Ecology 26: 1067-1083.
- Karl, I., Michalowsky, C., Sørensen, J.G., Loeschcke, V. & K. Fischer (2012): Effects of rearing and induction temperature on the temporal dynamics of HSP70 expression in a butterfly. Physiological Entomology 37: 103-108.
- Nieberding, C.M., Fischer, K., Saastamoinen, M., Allen, C.E., Wallin, E.A., Hedenström, E. & P.M. Brakefield (2012): Cracking the olfactory code of a butterfly: the scent of ageing. Ecology Letters 15: 415-424.
- Böckmann, E.A., Tormos, J., Beitia, F. & K. Fischer (2012): Offspring production and self-superparasitism in the solitary ectoparasitoid Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in relation to host abundance. Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 131-137.
- Dierks, A., Hoffmann, B., Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2012): Effects of inbreeding on life history and thermal performance in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Population Ecology 54: 83-90.
- Pradel, K. & K. Fischer (2011): Living on the edge: habitat and host-plant selection in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) close to its northern range limit. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 44: 35-41.
- Goern, S. & K. Fischer (2011): Niedermoore Nordostdeutschlands bewerten. Vorschlag für ein faunistisches Bewertungsverfahren. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 43: 211-217.
- Janowitz, S.A. & K. Fischer (2011): Opposing effects of heat stress on male versus female reproductive success in Bicyclus anynana butterflies. Journal of Thermal Biology 36: 283-287.
- Fischer, K., Kölzow, N., Höltje, H. & I. Karl (2011): Assay conditions in laboratory experiments: Is the use of constant rather than fluctuating temperatures justified when investigating temperature-induced plasticity? Oecologia 166: 23-33.
- Karl, I., Stoks, R., De Block, M., Janowitz, S.A. & K. Fischer (2011): Temperature extremes and butterfly fitness: conflicting evidence from life history and immune function. Global Change Biology 17: 676-687.
- Fischer, K., Dierks, A., Franke, K., Geister, T.L., Liszka, M., Winter, S. & C. Pflicke (2010): Environmental effects on temperature stress resistance in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana. PLoS One 5: e15284.
- Janowitz, S.A. & K. Fischer (2010): Costing reproduction: Effects of mating opportunity on mating success in male Bicyclus anynana butterflies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 1999-2006.
- Fischer, K. & I. Karl (2010): Exploring plastic and genetic responses to temperature variation using Copper butterflies. Climate Research 43: 17-30.
- Karl, I., Hoffmann, K. & K. Fischer (2010): Cuticular melanisation and immune response in a butterfly: local adaptation and lack of correlation. Ecological Entomology 25: 523-528.
- Karl, I., Hoffmann, K.H. & K. Fischer (2010): Food stress sensitivity and flight performance across phosphoglucose isomerase enzyme genotypes in a Copper butterfly. – Population Ecology 52: 307-315.
- Bauerfeind, S.S., Perlick, J.E.C. & K. Fischer (2009): Disentangling environmental effects on adult life span in a butterfly across the metamorphic boundary. – Experimental Gerontology 44: 805-811.
- Dierks, A. & K. Fischer (2009): Habitat requirements and niche selection of Maculinea nausithous and M. teleius within a large sympatric metapopulation. – Biodiversity & Conservation.
- Karl. I. & K. Fischer (2009): Altitudinal and environmental variation in lifespan in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus. – Functional Ecology 23: 1132-1138.
- Karl, I., Geister, T.L. & K. Fischer (2009): Intraspecific variation in wing and pupal melanization in Copper butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). – Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 98:301-312.
- Irie, T. & K. Fischer (2009): Ectotherms with a calcareous exoskeleton follow the temperature-size rule? Evidence from field survey. – Marine Ecology Progress Series 385: 33-37.
- Steigenga, M. J. & K. Fischer (2009): Fitness consequences of variation in developmental temperature in a butterfly. – Journal of Thermal Biology 34: 244-249.
- Karl, I., Schmitt, T. & K. Fischer (2009): Genetic differentiation between alpine and lowland populations of a butterfly is related to PGI enzyme genotype. – Ecography 32: 488-496.
- Bauerfeind, S.S., Theisen, A. & K. Fischer (2009): Patch occupancy in the endangered butterfly Lycaena helle in a fragmented landscape: effects of habitat quality, patch size and isolation. – Journal of Insect Conservation 13: 271-277.
- Fischer, K., Zimmer, K. & N. Wedell (2009): Correlated responses to selection on female egg size in male reproductive traits in a butterfly. – Evolutionary Ecology 23: 389-402.
- Geister, T.L., Lorenz, M.W., Hoffmann, K.H. & K. Fischer (2009): Energetics of embryonic development: Effects of temperature on egg and hatchling composition in a butterfly. – Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179: 87-98.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2009): Effects of laval starvation and adult diet-derived aminio amino on reproduction in a fruit-feeding butterfly. – Ent. Exp. Appl. 130: 229-237.
- Karl, I., Sørensen, J.G., Loeschcke, V. & K. Fischer (2009): HSP70 expression in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus across altitudes and temperatures. – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 172-178.
- Karl, I., Schmitt, T. & K. Fischer (2008): PGI genotype affects life history traits and cold stress resistance in a Copper butterfly. – Functional Ecology 22: 887-894.
- Dierks, A. & K. Fischer (2008): Feeding responses and food preferences in the tropical, fruit-feeding butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. – Journal of Insect Physiology 54: 1363-1370.
- Geister, T.L., Lorenz, M.W., Meyering-Vos, M., Hoffmann, K.H & K. Fischer (2008): Effects of temperature on reproductive output, egg provisioning, juvenile hormone and vitellogenin titres in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. – Journal of Insect Physiology 54: 1253-1260.
- Geister, T.L., Lorenz, M.W., Hoffmann, K.H. & K. Fischer (2008): Adult nutrition and butterfly fitness: effects of diet quality on reproductive output, egg composition, and egg hatching success. – Frontiers in Zoology 5: 10.
- Geister, T.L., Lorenz, M.W., Hoffmann, K.H. & K. Fischer (2008): Effects of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 on female reproduction and juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus and the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. – Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 1587-1593.
- Fischer, K., Perlick, J. & T. Galetz (2008): Residual reproductive value and male mating success: older males do better. – Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 275: 1517-1524.
- Karl, I., Janowitz, S.A. & K. Fischer (2008): Altitudinal life-history variation and thermal adaptation in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus. – Oikos 117: 778-788.
- Karl, I. & K. Fischer (2008): Why get big in the cold? Towards a solution of a life-history puzzle. – Oecologia 155: 215-225.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2008): Maternal body size as a morphological constraint on egg size and fecundity in butterflies. – Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 443-451.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2007): Maternal body size as an evolutionary constraint on egg size in a butterfly. – Evolution 61: 2374-2385.
- Bauerfeind, S.S., Fischer, K., Hartstein, S., Janowitz, S. & D. Martin-Creuzburg (2007): Effects of adult nutrition on female reproduction in a fruit-feeding butterfly: the role of fruit decay and dietary lipids. – Journal of Insect Physiology 53: 964-973.
- Steigenga, M.J. & K. Fischer (2007): Ovarian dynamics, egg size and egg number in relation to temperature and mating status in a butterfly. – Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 125: 195-203.
- Steigenga, M.J. & K. Fischer (2007): Within- and between-generation effects of temperature on life-history traits in a butterfly. – Journal of Thermal Biology 32: 396-405.
- Fischer, K. (2007): Control of female reproduction and a survival cost to mating in a butterfly. – Ecological Entomology 32: 674-681.
- Geister, T.L. & K. Fischer (2007): Testing the beneficial acclimation hypothesis: temperature effects on mating success in a butterfly. – Behavioural Ecology 18: 658-664.
- Karl, I., Lorenz, M.W. & K. Fischer (2007): Energetics of reproduction: Consequences of divergent selection on egg size for egg composition and reproductive effort in a butterfly. – Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 91: 403-418.
- Fischer, K., Zwaan, B.J. & P.M. Brakefield (2007): Realized correlated responses to artificial selection on pre-adult life-history traits in a butterfly. – Heredity 98: 157-164.
- Fischer, K. (2006): Reduced mating vigor in selection lines of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. – Journal of Insect Behaviour 19: 657-668.
- Ferkau, C. & K. Fischer (2006): Costs of reproduction in male Bicyclus anynana and Pieris napi butterflies: effects of mating history and food limitation. – Ethology 112: 1117-1127.
- Pijpe, J., Fischer, K., Brakefield, P.M. & B.J. Zwaan (2006): Consequences of divergent selection on pre-adult traits for adult lifespan under benign conditions in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. – Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 127: 802-807.
- Steigenga, M.J., Hoffmann, K.H. & K. Fischer (2006): Effects of juvenile hormone on female reproductive output and longevity in a butterfly. – Entomological Science 9: 269-279.
- Fischer, K., Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fiedler (2006): Temperature-mediated plasticity in egg and body size in egg size-selected lines of a butterfly. – Journal of Thermal Biology 31: 347-354.
- Fischer, K., Bot, A.N.M., Brakefield. P.M. & B.J. Zwaan (2006): Do mothers producing large offspring have to sacrifice fecundity? – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 380-391
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2005): Effects of food stress and density in different life stages on reproduction in a butterfly. – Oikos 111: 514-524.
- Bauerfeind, S.S. & K. Fischer (2005): Effects of adult-derived carbohydrates, amino acids and micronutrients on female reproduction in a fruit-feeding butterfly. – Journal of Insect Physiology 51: 545-554.
- Steigenga, M.J., Zwaan, B.J., Brakefield, P.M. & K. Fischer (2005): The evolutionary genetics of egg size plasticity in a butterfly. – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 281-289.
- Zeilstra, I. & K. Fischer (2005): Cold tolerance in relation to developmental and adult temperature in a butterfly. – Physiological Entomology 30: 92-95.
- Fischer, K., Bot, A.N.M., Zwaan, B.J. & P.M. Brakefield (2004): Genetic and environmental sources of egg size variation in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. – Heredity 92: 163-169.
- Fischer, K., O’Brian, D.M. & C.L. Boggs (2004): Allocation of larval and adult resources to reproduction in a fruit-feeding butterfly. – Functional Ecology 18: 656-663.
- Fischer, K., Zeilstra, I., Hetz, S.K. & K. Fiedler (2004): Physiological costs of growing fast: Does accelerated growth reduce pay-off in adult fitness? – Evolutionary Ecology 14: 343-353.
- Fischer, K., Brakefield, P.M. & B.J. Zwaan (2003): Plasticity in butterfly egg size: Why larger offspring at lower temperatures? – Ecology 84: 3138-3147.
- Fischer, K., Eenhoorn, E., Bot, A.N.M., Brakefield, P.M. & B.J. Zwaan (2003): Cooler butterflies lay larger eggs: Developmental plasticity versus acclimation. – Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 270: 2051-2056.
- Fischer, K., Bot, A.N.M., Brakefield, P.M. & B.J. Zwaan (2003): Fitness consequences of temperature-mediated egg size plasticity in a butterfly. – Functional Ecology 17: 803-810.
- Fischer, K., Zwaan, B.J. & P.M. Brakefield (2002): How does egg size relate to body size in butterflies? – Oecologia 131: 375-379.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2002): Reaction norms for age and size at maturity in response to temperature: A test of the compound interest hypothesis. – Evolutionary Ecology 16: 333-349.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2002): Life history plasticity in the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe: Local adaptations and trade-offs. – Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 75: 173-185.
bis 2001
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Dimorphic growth patterns and sex-specific reaction norms in the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe sumadiensis. – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14: 210-218.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Resource-based territoriality in the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe and environmentally induced behavioural shifts. – Animal Behaviour 61: 723-732.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Egg weight variation in the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe: More small or fewer large eggs? – Population Ecology 43: 105-109.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Sexual differences in life-history traits in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus: A comparison between direct and diapause development. – Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 100: 325-330.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Effects of larval starvation on adult life-history traits in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). – Entomologia Generalis 25: 249-254.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Effects of adult feeding and temperature regime on fecundity and longevity in the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe. – Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society 54: 91-95.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Spatio-temporal dynamics in a population of the copper butterfly Lycaena hippothoe. – Nota Lepidopterologica 24: 77-86.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2001): Partial biennialism in alpine Lycaena hippothoe (Lycaenidae: Lycaenini)? – Nota Lepidopterologica 24: 73-77.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2000): Sex-related differences in reaction norms in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). – Oikos 90: 372-380.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2000): Response of the copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus to increased leaf nitrogen in natural food-plants: Evidence against the nitrogen limitation hypothesis. – Oecologia 124: 235-241.
- Fischer, K. & J. Martens (2000): Bestand und Bestandsentwicklung von Elster (Pica pica) und Rabenkrähe (Corvus c. corone) in Rheinland-Pfalz. – Vogelwarte 40: 212-223.
- Fischer, K., Beinlich, B. & H. Plachter (1999): Population structure, mobility and habitat preferences of the Violet Copper Lycaena helle (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) – implications for conservation. – Journal of Insect Conservation 3: 43-52.
- Fischer, K. (1998): Population structure, mobility and habitat selection of the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe (Lycaenidae: Lycaenini) in western Germany. – Nota Lepidopterologica 21: 14-30.
Andere Publikationen seit 2000
- Kerth G, Blüthgen N, Dittrich C, Dworschak K, Fischer K, Fleischer T, Heidinger I, Limberg J, Obermaier E, Rödel MO, Nehring S (2014): Anpassungskapazität ausgewählter Arten im Hinblick auf Änderungen durch den Klimawandel. BfN. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 139: 1-511.
- Kerth, G., Fischer, K., Fleischer, T., Limberg, J., Blüthgen, N., Dworschak, K., Dittrich, C., Rödel, M.-O. und E. Obermaier (2015): Anpassungskapazität von 50 Arten mit potenziell hohem Aussterberisiko gegenüber dem Klimawandel in Deutschland. Natur und Landschaft 90: 17-24.
- Fischer, K. (2013): Anpassungskapazität von Organismen an den globalen Klimawandel. BfN-Skripten 332: 12-13.
- Weibart, M. & K. Fischer (2006): Populationsstruktur, Dispersionsverhalten und Habitatpräferenzen der Rotflügeligen Schnarrschrecke (Psophus stridulus) in der Fränkischen Schweiz. – Articulata 21: 169-182.
- Fischer, K. & M. Kunz (2004): Zum Vorkommen des Neuntöters (Lanius collurio) im rheinland-pfälzischen Westerwald nach Erhebungen in den Jahren 2000 und 2001. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 10: 415-423.
- Fischer, K. (2002): Zum Vorkommen des Rotmilans (Milvus milvus) im rheinland-pfälzischen Westerwald nach Erhebungen im Jahr 2000. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Beiheft 27: 257-261.
- Banašek-Richter, C., Fischer, K. & J. Martens (2001): Zur quantitativen Zusammensetzung der Nahrung nestjunger Elstern (Pica pica) und Rabenkrähen (Corvus c. corone). – Ökologie der Vögel 23: 183-195.
- Fischer, K. & J. Martens (2001): Zur winterlichen Habitatnutzung von Elster (Pica pica) und Rabenkrähe (Corvus c. corone) in Rheinland-Pfalz. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 9: 901-910.
- Fischer, K. & G. Fahl (2001): Zur Bestandsentwicklung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Raum Westerburg (Westerwald) zwischen 1979 und 2000. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 9: 889-899.
- Fischer, K. & K. Fiedler (2000): Methodische Aspekte von Fang-Wiederfangstudien am Beispiel der Feuerfalter Lycaena helle und L. hippothoe. – Beiträge zur Ökologie 4: 157-172.
- Fischer, K. (1999): Partielle Subitangeneration bei alpinen Lycaena virgaureae (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) unter Zuchtbedingungen. – Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Frankfurt N.F. 20: 17-18
bis 1999
- Fischer, K. (1999): Partiell albinistischer Haussperling (Passer domesticus) in Westerburg (Westerwald). – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Beiheft 25: 231.
- Fahl, G., Fischer, K., Kunz, A. & M. Kunz (1998): Zur Bestandssituation des Braunkehlchens (Saxicola rubetra) im Westerwald (Rheinland-Pfalz). – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 8: 1031-1042.
- Fischer, K. (1998): Zu Fekundiät, Fertilität und Präimaginalbiologie des Blauschillernden Feuerfalters Lycaena helle (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). – Verhandlungen Westdeutscher Entomologentag 1997: 167-176.
- Fischer, K. (1997): Zur Ökologie des Skabiosen-Scheckenfalters Euphydryas aurinia (ROTTEMBURG, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). – Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Frankfurt N.F. 18: 287-300.
- Fischer, K. (1997): Der Karmingimpel (Carpodacus erythrinus PALL., 1770) in Rheinland-Pfalz. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 8: 295-305.
- Fischer, K. (1997): Fauna und Flora des Westerwaldes - zur naturschutzfachlichen Bedeutung einer Mittelgebirgsregion. – Pollichia-Buch 35: 21-35.
- Fischer, K. (1997): Warzenbeißer (Decticus verrucivorus) auf der Fuchskaute (Westerwald). – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Beiheft 22: 169-170.
- Fischer, K., Beinlich, B. & H. Plachter (1997): Zur Problematik der Erstaufforstung naturschutzwürdiger Offenlandflächen im Hohen Westerwald, Rheinland-Pfalz. – Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz 49: 115-122.
- Fischer, K. & M. Kunz (1997): Überregional bedeutsame Artenvorkommen im Westerwaldkreis. – Naturschutz im Westerwaldkreis 1: 9-17.
- Bitz, A., Fischer, K. & L. Simon (Ministerium für Umwelt und Forsten, Hrsg.) (1995): Amphibienschutz - Zeit zu Handeln. Informationen zum Artenschutzprojekt "Amphibien" des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. – Naturschutz bei uns 3: 1-52.
- Braun, M., Eislöffel, F., Fischer, K. & E. Lippok (1995): Naturschutz im Regierungsbezirk Koblenz - Berichtsjahr 1994. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Beiheft 15: 151-158.
- Fischer, K. (1994): Bestandsentwicklung und Habitatnutzung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Raum Westerburg (Westerwaldkreis). – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 7: 277-290.
- Fischer, K. (1994): Zweitbrut beim Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor)? – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 7: 483-484.
- Fischer, K. (1994): Zur Winterverbreitung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Westerwald. – Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 7: 607-612.
- Kolb, K.H. & K. Fischer (1994): Populationsgröße und Habitatnutzung der Rotflügeligen Schnarrschrecke (Psophus stridulus, Insecta: Saltatoria) im NSG Steinberg und Wein-Berg/Bayerische Rhön. – Articulata 9: 25-36.
- Bitz, A., Fischer, K. & R. Thiele (1996): Die rheinland-pfälzischen Biotoptypen und ihre Herpetozönosen. - S. 495-542. In: Bitz, A., Fischer, K., Simon, L., Thiele, R. & M. Veith (Hrsg.): Die Amphibien und Reptilien in Rheinland-Pfalz. Band 2. Landau.
- Bitz, A., Fischer, K., Thierfelder, R. & R. Thiele (1996): Die rheinland-pfälzischen Naturräume und ihre Herpetozönosen. - S. 543-586. In: Bitz, A., Fischer, K., Simon, L., Thiele, R. & M. Veith (Hrsg.): Die Amphibien und Reptilien in Rheinland-Pfalz. Band 2. Landau.
- Bitz, A., Fischer, K. & L. Simon (1996): Das Artenschutzprojekt "Amphibien" in Rheinland-Pfalz. - S. 731-748. In: Bitz, A., Fischer, K., Simon, L., Thiele, R. & M. Veith (1996): Die Amphibien und Reptilien in Rheinland-Pfalz. Band 2. Landau.
- Fischer, K. (1996): Erdkröte Bufo bufo LINNAEUS, 1758. - S. 183-198. In: Bitz, A., Fischer, K., Simon, L., Thiele, R. & M. Veith (Hrsg.): Die Amphibien und Reptilien in Rheinland-Pfalz. Band 1. Landau.
- Fischer, K. (1996): Waldeidechse Lacerta vivpara JACQUIN, 1787. - S. 377-386. In: Bitz, A., Fischer, K., Simon, L., Thiele, R. & M. Veith (Hrsg.): Die Amphibien und Reptilien in Rheinland-Pfalz. Band 2. Landau.
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