Dr. Susanne Worischka



  • Mechanismen und Prognose der Wirkung verschiedener habitatverbessernder Maßnahmen (mobiler Feinkies, Beschattung) sowie herbivorer Fische auf die Sauerstoffversorgung des Interstitials und die aquatische Biodiversität (INTASAQUA Teilprojekt 2)
  • Biomanipulation in Fließgewässern - Anwendbarkeit der Nahrungsnetzsteuerung als Werkzeug zur Verbesserung der Habitatqualität (BIOEFFEKT II)
  • Grenzüberschreitendes Monitoring biologischer Invasionen (MoBI-aqua)
  • Auswirkungen invasiver Arten auf wasserqualitätsrelevante Prozesse in Europäischen Flüssen (Nahrungskonsumtion, Fraßverhalten und indirekte Effekte von Dikerogammarus villosus)
  • Funktionale Diversität und Redundanz in benthischen Nahrungsnetzen, Einfluss invasiver Arten




  • Richter L, Schwenkmezger L, Becker J, Winkelmann C, Hellmann C and Worischka S (2018) The very hungry amphipod: the invasive Dikerogammarus villosus shows high consumption rates for two food sources and independent of predator cues. Biol Invasions 20:1321–1335.

  • Stamm J, Dittrich A, Spänhoff B, Berendonk T, Bilinski W, Branß T, Ettmer B, Haase U, Hirschfeld J, Lindow M, Mietz S-C, Müller N, Orlik S, Richter L, Sagebiel J, Stengert M, Stratmann L, Seidel M, Worischka S and Lüderitz V (2017) Lösungen für ein regionales ökologisches Hochwasserrisikomanagement und eine naturnahe Gewässerentwicklung. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 10(4):229-236.

  • Worischka S, Richter L, Hanig A, Hellmann C, Becker J, Kratina P and Winkelmann C (2018) Food consumption of the invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus in field mesocosms and its effects on leaf decomposition and periphyton. Aquatic Invasions 13(2):261-275.
  • Hellmann C., Schöll F., Worischka S., Becker J., Winkelmann C. (2016) River-specific effects of the invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on benthic communities. Biological Invasions.10.1007/s10530-016-1286-z
  • Hellmann C, Worischka S, Mehler E, Becker J, Gergs R, Winkelmann C (2015) The trophic function of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) in invaded rivers: a case study in the Elbe and Rhine. Aquatic Invasions, 10: 385-397.
  • Worischka S, Schmidt SI, Hellmann C, Winkelmann C (2015) Selective predation by benthivorous fish on stream macroinvertebrates – the role of prey traits and prey abundance. Limnologica 52: 41-50
  • Szokoli F, Winkelmann C, Berendonk T U, Worischka, S (2015) The role of fish kairomones and food availability for the predator avoidance behaviour of Gammarus pulex. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 186: 249-258
  • Worischka S, Hellmann C, Berendonk T U, and Winkelmann C (2014) Fish predation can induce mesohabitat-specific differences in food web structures in small stream ecosystems. Aquatic Ecology 48: 367-378
  • Winkelmann C, Schneider J, Mewes D, Schmidt SI, Worischka S, Hellmann C, Benndorf, J (2014) Top-down and Bottom-up Control of Periphyton in a Natural Stream Ecosystem. Freshwater Biology, 59: 803–818
  • Schneider J, Worischka S, Hellmann C, Benndorf J, Winkelmann C (2014) Flexibility in feeding periodicity of mayflies in response to different concentrations of benthivorous fish cues. Limnologica 45: 24– 32
  • Worischka S, Koebsch C, Hellmann C, Winkelmann C (2012) Habitat overlap between benthic fish predators and their invertebrate prey in streams: The influence of spatial versus temporal patterns on predation risk. Freshwater Biology. 57:2247-2261
  • Winkelmann, C., Hellmann, C., Worischka, S., Petzoldt, T. & Benndorf, J. (2011) Fish predation affects the structure of a benthic community. Freshwater Biology, 56, 1030-1046.
  • Hellmann, C., Winkelmann, C., Worischka, S. & Benndorf, J. (2011) Extended larval development compensates for sublethal effects of fish predation in a mayfly population (Rhithrogena semicolorata, Ephemeroptera). Limnologica, 41, 256-265.
  • Winkelmann, C., Worischka, S., Koop, J.H.E. & Benndorf, J. (2007) Predation effects of benthivorous fish on grazing and shredding macroinvertebrates in a detritus-based stream food web. Limnologica, 37, 121-128.
  • Hülsmann, S., Horn, H., Horn, W., Kahl, U., Paul, L., Radke, R.J., Worischka, S. & Benndorf, J. (2006) Relations between food web structure and nutrient budget in a stratified lake: results from a whole lake experiment in saidenbach reservoir, Germany. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29, 1543-1547.
  • Hülsmann, S., Mehner, T., Worischka, S. & Plewa, M. (1999) Is the difference in population dynamics of Daphnia galeata in littoral and pelagic areas of a long-term biomanipulated reservoir affected by age-0 fish predation? Hydrobiologia, 408, 57-63.
  • Worischka, S. & Mehner, T. (1998) Comparison of field-based and indirect estimates of daily food consumption in larval perch and zander. J. Fish Biology, 53, 1050-1059.
  • Mehner, T., Plewa, M., Hülsmann, S. & Worischka, S. (1998) Gape-size dependent feeding of age-0 perch (Perca fluviatilis) and age-0 zander (Stizostedion lucioperca) on Daphnia galeata. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 142, 191-207.
  • Mehner, T., Hülsmann, S., Worischka, S., Plewa, M. & Benndorf, J. (1998) Is the midsummer decline of Daphnia really induced by age-0 fish predation? Comparison of fish consumption and Daphnia mortality and life history parameters in a biomanipulated reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research, 20, 1797-1811.