Introduction to E-Government

This course consists of a lecture (2 SWS) and an exercise (2 SWS). It is held in English.

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Organisational issues

  • Kick-off of lecture: 17th April 2023, 14 - 16 c.t.

  • Kick-off of exercises: 25th April 2023, 10 - 12 c.t. in Room A 308

  • Target audience: Master E-Government in the first year, Elective for Bachelor or Master of DBM, Bachelor or Master Information Systems

  • Description of the module, including workload: see 04WI2014

  • Language of the lecture and exercise: English

  • Examinations: Oral exam (detailed schedule will be communicated at the beginning of the classes)

  • Registration to lecture via KLIPS

  • All materials and slides for the lecture and exercises will be provided via the OpenOLAT e-learning platform

Objectives of the module

  • Offers an insight into the topics of e-Government i.e. how information and communication technologies can be used in the public sector

  • Introduction to important legal priciples and regulations in the public sector/ e-Government

  • E-Government as an scientific discipline

  • Concepts and solutions in e-Government

  • Special requirements of the public sector

Overview of contents

  • Introduction to the lecture and e-Government

  • Basic approaches, methods and concepts for e-Government

  • ICT strategies and initiatives

  • Legal frameworks in e-Government

  • Modeling of information systems in the public sector

  • Interoperability and standardization

  • Portal developments

  • Identity management and security in e-Government processes

  • Transaction processing and document managment

  • Benchmarking and e-Government awards


  • Assignments are provided in the exercise units and in OpenOlat

  • Each exercise group (max. 4 persons) will submit the solution via OpenOlat (Powerpoint) until one day before the next exercise and present them next exercise!

  • Each exercise group will present their results at least 3 times.

  • Feedback will only be given on the presented results


  • Oral exam in July 2023

  • To qualify for taking the examination, successful completion of exercises is a precondition. This includes achieving 50 % of the exercises points through at least three presentations along the exercises classes.