Extended Leichte Sprache

Leichte Sprache (LS; easy-to-read German; cf. “Leichte Sprache – Ein Ratgeber”) is enshrined in law (BITV2.0, 2011). It defines a variety of German characterized by simplified syntactic constructions and a small vocabulary. It provides barrier-free information for a wide spectrum of people with cognitive impairments, learning difficulties and/or a low level of literacy in the German language. The levels of difficulty of a range of syntactic constructions were systematically evaluated with LS readers as part of the recent LeiSA project (see, e.g., Bock, 2019). That study identified a number of constructions that were evaluated as being easy to comprehend but which fell beyond the definition of LS.

The latter observation inspired our work on (Extended) Leichte Sprache determining the grammar that underpins the writing-support system EASYTALK:

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Arbeitsgruppe Harbuschuni-koblenz.de/de/informatik/i...
