Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis

Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis (CCE) is a challenging linguistic phenomenon where in a coordinated sentence at least one constituent in the second conjunct and/or one word in the first constituent, respectively, can be omitted. For the list of phenomena covered by CCE in German, see slides 4 and 5 in Memmesheimer and Harbusch (2023) (slide 3 illustrates the case that different CCE phenomena occur at the same time).

We work on different aspects of CCE (presented in their historical order; all considerations in the following are based on the psycholinguistic perspective to CCE phenomena as described in Kempen (2009)):

  • Automatic CCE generation (cf. the system ELLEIPO — written in JAVA — that originally worked for Dutch and German) based on syntactic rules; currently, it works for Dutch, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Polish, and Russian). ELLEIPO can be used in different environments:

  • Parsing based on an inversion of the CCE-generation rules:
    • OPIELLE reverses the procedures of ELLEIPO; it expands the chart produced by a probabistic context-free parser; for any input sentence (coordinated or not), it produces the so-called canonical form (i.e., reconstructing elided elements-in case there are any), and
    • a German Parallel Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis Corpus developped for the evaluation of OPIELLE. The corpus is available upon request to Karin Harbusch.

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