From students for students

From students for students

Do we need a university politics?

Just as in politics, which reaches you in everyday life mainly via the news

most of the processes at any university consist of administrative tasks.

Although teaching and research seem to be the two most important things at a university, the first small problem, even if it is just a missed exam registration, shows that there must always be an administration behind it. Just arriving at university this may sound strange, but for a variety of reasons, a wide range of problems can arise. In order to ensure that everything runs smoothly, the university is divided into departments and institutes, each of which elects its own committees and representative. Whereas you as a student are represented by the following institutions.

Where do problems occur?

It starts at the smallest levels.

For example, individual difficulties with exams, module manuals or lecturers, where you are supported by the students’ department representatives, whom you elect directly. This

goes all the way up to changing examination regulations or module manuals, hiring lecturers and adding or removing courses. These are only a few of the examples of interest, where you will be represented by the following institutions.

You can elect them!

Once a year, you are not only allowed to directly elect representatives to the highest bodies of the departments (departmental council) and the university (senate) with your vote.

You are also called upon to help the student body with its own.

(Student) Parliament (StuPa), a body that, among other things, is able to nominate people as representatives who are committed to the various areas of life on campus and beyond.

Why do we have to pay 15 euros each semester?

The money is used to fund projects that promote and develop the coexistence and social culture on campus, to inform you decidedly about current political events, to enable communal sports activities and - last but not least - to enable you to have this "Ersti-week".

You can have an influence!

One of the big goals of AStA and StuPa is to make you aware that you can have influence on what is happening at university.

We are not at school where underage class- and level- representatives unfortunately often have far too little influence. This is a university. All of us are adults.

We have opinions. Not only are you part of the largest interest group on the entire campus, you can, and should, take action yourselves!


What is StuPa?

The Student Parliament (StuPa) is an association of 19 motivated members who are committed to the interests of all students at the university. The members of the StuPa are members from different lists, which means that a wide variety of ideas are represented in university politics. After the general assembly of all students, the parliament is the highest decision-making body of student self-administration.

The main task of the parliamentarians consists of deciding on the student bodies' funds.

For example, events such as the O-Phase or SommerUni are financed by the students' semester fees.

On the other hand, the parlamentarians elect and control the AStA's officers and thus ensure a diverse campus life.

You are always welcome to participate in the meetings of the student parliament! These usually take place on Wednesdays at 12 o'clock (see the weekly newsletter or on


What is AStA?

AStA means Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (general student committee) you can compare it to the federal government. There are ministers with different areas of responsibility, the so-called referents. But that's (unfortunately) where the similarities end ;-)

The AStA is the executive of the student body (= all students at the Koblenz campus) and is responsible for the organization of many exciting events.

Among others the O-Phase and the SommerUni. You can find the current referents in the following table. Cultural, social and university-political concerns are dealt with by the individual referents of the AStA.

Social counseling is also offered. You can meet the referents on campus or mostly in the N-building.

In addition, the AStA works closely with the students’ department representatives and regularly talks to the university administration about possible improvements for students. There are also regular exchanges with the press, politicians and transport companies.

Working groups of the AStA

What are referent supporting groups?

If you want to participate in the projects of the AStA, you do not necessarily have to

necessarily apply for a referendum.

Many referents have supporting groups that help organize events or do other exciting things depending on the referent’s interpretation of the supporting group. If you are interested in participating, just contact the responsible persons. Everyone welcomes you warmly, if you would like to get involved.

Departments & Student Representatives

What is a department? (FB)

A department is a teaching and administrative unit of a university, consisting of sciences. The department’s council is responsible for the organization of research, teaching and studies in the respective fields of science. The University of Koblenz is composed of a total of four departments.

What are students' department representatives (FSV)?

All students of every degree program form a single student body, which is part of the student self-administration and representation of interests at a university. Thus, each student belongs to at least one student body. Currently we have 26 student bodies at campus Koblenz.

At the student body meeting three to five representatives are elected to represent the student body. They represent the interests of the students of their subject.

at meetings of the students’ department representative Council (FSR) and other committees.

Thus, they are in regular contact with the institute and with the lecturers, but also with other institutions, such as the department council (FBR) or the Center for Teacher's Education (ZFL).

University Groups

What are university groups?

University groups are student associations dedicated to promoting cultural and social life on campus and in Koblenz. Like-minded people meet to organize projects or simply want to meet on a regular basis. The university groups are supported in their work by the AStA.

You can find a list and contact details of all HSGs here: