







Top 10 Language Learning Hacks


1) Make mistakes

You learn best by making mistakes and correcting them.

2) Spread out practice

Work little but often; avoid cramming. What you do often, you do better and with fewer errors. Consistency is key!

3) Keep practicing your vocabulary

Recognising words is not enough - you need to use them too.

4) Keep it meaningful

Meaningful memories stick - turn your word lists into stories. Interweave new knowledge with what you already know - create a web of knowledge.

5) Find your motivation

Discover what will keep you going. Intrinsic motivation is best! Vary how you practice and try something new - discover new ways of making learning more enjoyable.

6) Make it fun

Having fun makes you more receptive and open to new things.

7) Use context

Learn the language in real-life situations - watch films, listen to music, and talk to natives. Change the settings on your phone to the language you want to learn.

8) Teach others

Explaining things to others helps you learn.

9) Test yourself

Testing yourself helps you remember.

10) Monitor your progress

Keep track of what you learned; focus on what you do not know.