Ina Kerner bei: Possibilities and Pitfalls of Global Cooperation

Insights of 12 Years of Interdisciplinary Research

Founded as the 10th Käte Hamburger Kolleg on the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Centre for Global Cooperation Research in Duisburg established an interdisciplinary Denkfreiraum (“Open Space for Thinking”) in 2012. It hosted close to 200 international scholars from many disciplines during two funding periods over 12 years.

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While the Centre will continue to enrich the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the end of its generously funded fellowship programme allows a moment to reflect on the research accomplished as well as evaluate, with colleagues, current and former fellows and other acknowledged experts the gains and promises of a research field that to some extent took shape at the Centre. Our Final Conference, taking place 8–10 November, intends to provide this moment of retrospection, celebration and looking ahead. Panels are chaired by the Centre's directors and research group leaders, who have engaged in bringing this research programme to life over many years. The majority of panellists are current and former fellows, bringing its academic community into a dialogue across fellowship cohorts that worked at the Centre over the last 12 years. The preliminary programme might still be subject to changes. Participation of interested academics is free of charge.